Man jailed for threatening Priti Patel in UK


LONDON: A 65-year-old man has been jailed for five months for mailing a threatening letter to the former home secretary. Come to Battle. Pooneeraj Canakiah sentenced before Westminster Magistrates Court in London last week.
The Crown Prosecution Service in England said one of its staff opened the letter, which was addressed to Patel, on January 22 last year when she was still the home secretary. Forensic testing was used to trace the writer. “The content of the letter was deeply offensive and offensive. Kanakia thought he would not be arrested, but forensic analysis proved he wrote the letter,” said Lorraine Doshi, the chief prosecutor. “This conviction and sentence send a clear message that threats of this nature are taken seriously.” seriously and will not be tolerated.”
Analysis of the indentations in the paper revealed Kanakia’s name and address, and further analysis of the handwriting on the envelope and letter established that he was the writer.


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