
Acclaimed Academy Award-winning actress Olivia Colman is poised to play an important role in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) in the upcoming Disney+ series Secret invasion.

In the show, Coleman will play Sonya Falsworth, an M16 agent committed to protecting England’s national security interests during the Skrull threat. Although her debut in the MCU promises to be exciting, Colman recently shared that she has one disappointment about her role in the show.

Despite her excitement at joining the ever-expanding MCU, Colman recently expressed her dismay that her introduction to the world of superheroes didn’t bring any superpowers.

In an interview with Empire Magazine, the actress revealed that she “kept asking” the showrunners if her character would have powers, but Marvel didn’t have any. ”

Olivia Colman is disappointed not to have superpowers but excited about her Marvel debut

Olivia Colman expresses disappointment at not having superpowers but shares excitement for her Marvel debut as Sonya Falsworth in Secret Invasion (Image via HBO)
Olivia Colman expresses disappointment at not having superpowers but shares excitement for her Marvel debut as Sonya Falsworth in Secret Invasion (Image via HBO)

While Coleman expressed her disappointment at the lack of any superpowers in her role as Sonya Falsworth, an M16 agent in Secret invasionAnd She was excited to work with Samuel L. Jackson, who plays Nick Fury on the series.

In an interview with Empire Magazine, Colman shared her disappointment about not having any superpowers in her Marvel debut. She said:

“I kept asking if I could have been stung by something, or dropped into a bowl of something, they didn’t have any.”

@tweet MCU_Direct Speaking with Empire Magazine, Secret Invasion star Olivia Colman shared that she was disappointed to find out her arrival in the Marvel Cinematic Universe didn’t come with superpowers.

Colman hoped to become a superhero by getting bitten by something or falling into a vat of something. Despite her disappointment, Coleman was excited to work with Samuel L. Jackson. She described the veteran actor as “cheerful, funny and naughty”.

“I loved him! Loudest guy I’ve ever met. Cheerful, funny, naughty. He said he thought my trainers were ‘dope’. He didn’t take them off for a year.”

Interestingly, Jackson was the one who took a liking to the set of Secret Invasion when he was working with Colman. He admitted that he and his wife were binge-watchers broadchurch, Series highlighted by Coleman.

“I thought, ‘How lucky will I be to know that today will finally be the day that I get to work with Olivia Colman?'” Next thing you know we were having the most fun you could ever have, sitting there pretending that these two had a long relationship by seeing each other again for the first time in years.”

Samuel L. Jackson says he “impressed” me about working with Olivia Colman on Secret Invasion. “

Olivia Colman Secret invasion Character: Future Possibilities and Their Impact on the Marvel Cinematic Universe

Olivia Colman's character Sonya Falsworth in Secret Invasion could have exciting future possibilities and a huge impact on the Marvel Cinematic Universe (Image via Marvel Studios)
Olivia Colman’s character Sonya Falsworth in Secret Invasion could have exciting future possibilities and a huge impact on the Marvel Cinematic Universe (Image via Marvel Studios)

Olivia Colman is set to play a cameo role as Sonya Falsworth, M16 agent in Secret invasion. While her character is not expected to have superpowers, there is a possibility that she might receive them in the future if she survives the events of the show. Her recent comments indicate that she is a highly skilled and powerless M16 agent with a deep understanding of espionage.

Interestingly, Sonya Falsworth shares a surname with James Falsworth, who is a member of the Howling Commandos and related to Captain America. This connection presents several exciting storytelling possibilities for her character, including the possibility of a future filled with the Force. Her personality can also be linked to the appearances of other powerful characters, such as the British-based superhero Union Jack and Spitfire.

Despite the lack of superpowers, Colman’s portrayal of Sonya Falsworth is highly anticipated, and her impact on the MCU is expected to be huge. Fans are eagerly awaiting her debut in the first episode of Secret invasion which is set to premiere on Disney+ on June 21st.

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Edited by Rachel Semliye


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