
Paris: A French submarine operator and daredevil deep-sea explorer dubbed “Mr TitanicA crew member of a submarine that went missing while exploring the wreckage in the Atlantic Ocean.
Paul Henry NargoliteThe 77-year-old has dived all over the world and spoken candidly about the dangers of his exploits in the most inaccessible waters of the world’s oceans, often thousands of meters below sea level.
“When you’re in very deep water, you die before you realize something’s going on, so it’s not a problem,” he told the Irish Examiner in 2019.
Rescue teams raced against time on Tuesday hoping to find the tourist submarine that went missing near the wreck of the Titanic with Nargolite and four others on board.
Nargulit’s family confirmed to BFM TV that he was among the crew, which also included British businessman Hamish Harding and a prominent Pakistani businessman. Shahzada Dawood and his son.
Connecticut-based Nargeolet has already made more than 30 dives to explore the Titanic and has overseen the recovery of some 5,500 pieces, including a 20-ton fragment on display in Los Angeles.
After the wreck was discovered in 1985, the legendary ship became the focus of the second half of his life after retiring from his 25-year career in the French Navy.
“Of course I’ve seen reports on this subject, but I never imagined it would play such an important role in my life,” he said in an interview with the Cite de la Mer museum in Cherbourg, France.
His research, written in a 2022 book In the Depths of the Titanic, has him questioning the findings of British and US investigations into the disaster which concluded the ship suffered a 100-meter gash in the side after hitting an iceberg.
Based on his observations and scans of the accident scene, he argued that five much smaller holes were to blame.
– Salvage Operations His work in recovering items from the ship on behalf of the wreck’s US-based owner, the RMS Titanic, has been criticized by the relatives of the 1,500 people who died on the ship.
Some of them felt the wreck should be left alone as a burial site and objected to a private company profiting from the tragedy, having been granted salvage rights under long-established US maritime law.
In 2011, 5,000 artifacts found around the wreck, including jewels, a compass, and loudspeakers, were auctioned for $189 million.
Nargulet argued that the sales were needed to fund further dives, and that they helped preserve the memory of those on board.
Narjoulet told Le Monde: “One morning, a survivor whose father had died in the disaster criticized me for retrieving things, and in the afternoon another congratulated me and asked me to look for a pearl necklace that her mother had left on her bedside table.” In May last year.
No human remains were found around the site and any bodies that fell with the ship would have dissolved into acidic sediments on the sea floor.
Narguleh was also a technology advisor on the so-called “Five Deeps Expedition” in 2019 with American Explorer and a private equity investor. Victor Bishopwhich aims to explore the deepest points in each of the world’s five oceans.
A 4.6-meter (15-foot) Viscovo submarine called DSV Limiting Factor has set a record for the deepest dive after descending 11 kilometers into the Mariana Trench in the Pacific Ocean.
In his interview with Le Monde last year, Nargoulet said one of his future plans was to study the marine organisms that made the Titanic’s rusty hull their home.
“Titanic is an oasis in a vast desert,” he said.


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