Aaj Ka Panchang, June 24, 2023: Check Out Tithi, Shubh Muhurat, Rahu Kaal and Other Details For Saturday


Last updated: June 24, 2023, 05:00 AM IST

Aaj Ka Panchang, June 24, 2023: Sunrise is expected to occur at 5:24 AM and sunset is expected to occur at 7:23 PM.  (photo: shutterstock)

Aaj Ka Panchang, June 24, 2023: Sunrise is expected to occur at 5:24 AM and sunset is expected to occur at 7:23 PM. (photo: shutterstock)

Aaj Ka Panchang, June 24, 2023: This Saturday will be watching Shashthi Tithi and Saptami Tithi by Shukla Paksha

AAJ KA PANCHANG 24.06.2023: This Saturday Shashthi Tithi and Saptami Tithi will be seen by Shukla Paksha. Shukla Shashthi is widely known as an auspicious time for many important events, which makes it an important part of shubh muhurat timing. Similarly, Shukla Saptami is also considered favorable for many auspicious activities and is often incorporated into the good Muhurat timing. According to Drik Panchang, this day marks the Skanda Sashi festival. Check the tithe, auspicious, and inauspicious timings for the day to overcome all the obstacles that come your way.

Sunrise, sunset, full moon and full moon on June 24

Sunrise is expected to occur at 5:24 AM, and sunset at 7:23 PM. Moonrise will be observed at 10:35 AM on June 24th. Moreover, it is estimated that moonset will occur at 11:43 PM.

Details of Tithi, Nakshatra and Rashi on 24th June

Panchang reveals that the Shashthi Tithi is expected to remain in effect until 10:17 am, after which the Saptami Tithi will begin. The Magha Nakshatra will remain prominent until 7:19 am, followed by the appearance of the Purva Phalguni Nakshatra. In addition, the moon is due to be seen at Simha Rashid while the sun is expected to be observed at Maithuna Rashid.

Muhurta was born on June 24th

According to Panchang, many muhurtas (auspicious timings) are expected throughout the day. The Brahma Muhurta, which is known for its spiritual significance, is likely to start from 4:04 am to 4:44 am. The early morning period is considered very auspicious to engage in meditation, prayers and other spiritual practices.

Abhijit Muhurta, another favorable time, is estimated to occur from 11:56 AM to 12:51 PM. Observation of the Godhuli Muhurta, which occurs during twilight hours, is expected from 7:21 PM to 7:41 PM. This is a good time to engage in peaceful activities, such as performing evening prayers or expressing gratitude.

Herb Muhurta June 24

In addition to the auspicious Muhurtas, it is equally important to be aware of the inauspicious timings to avoid embarking on any important or pious activities. Rahu kalam, considered unfavorable for auspicious tasks, is expected to be in effect from 8:54 am to 10:39 am. You are advised to refrain from starting new projects or important assignments during this period.

Gulikai Kalam is expected to occur from 5:24 AM to 7:09 AM. Muharram’s turn is estimated to occur from 5:24 am to 6:20 am and from 6:20 am to 7:16 am. In addition, Muhurat Yamaganda is said to reign between 2:08 PM and 3:53 PM.


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