Ticket checker Vandy Bharat Express He got a close shave when he tried to board a moving train. He was ruled out as the gates of the Mumbai-bound train were closed.
The incident is caught on camera and the ticket checker is shown running alongside the moving train to keep pace with him in Ahmedabad railway station. He is seen knocking on the catapult pilot’s window. In a last ditch effort, he attempts to board the train but falls to the platform.
It was raining, and when the man fell, the people on the platform raised a loon and shouted and pulled him quickly to safety. The Mumbai News page (@Mumbaikhabar9 @Mumbaikhabar9) posted a video of the incident. The incident reportedly took place on Tuesday.
Watch the video below:
video | The Mumbai gates to Vande Bharat at Ahmedabad station were closed and the ticket checker was disqualified. He tried so hard to enter, he had attempted something that might have cost him his life. It is said that this happened on June 26th. pic.twitter.com/12i0cEA4fj
– Mumbai News (@ MumbaiKhabar9) June 29, 2023
Why is there no communication between TC and Driver/Motorman/pilot? No wireless either, pre-departure checks should be done at each station,” the Twitter user commented. “Exactly what I thought. Forget about fancy communication tools. Another said, “A simple cell phone with contact numbers for motorists would have prevented this.” “so sad! Why was he so desperate to get on board even when the doors were closed!? another user asked.
“One month ago, I was left outside at Surat station, I pressed the button above the door, before the train moved on. I was lucky enough to get on the train before it started moving,” wrote another Twitter user.