
WASHINGTON: No president wants to give up the power and prestige that comes with office after just one term, and Joe Biden is no exception. He’s moving forward even though polls show a majority of Americans don’t want to see him run again.
We went back to look at when modern presidents announced their decisions to seek a second term, what their Gallup approval ratings were at the time and how things worked out for them.
One topic: Primary battles are a sign of whether the president will win re-election. This is good news for Biden, who appears to have avoided any significant challengers.
Harry Truman
He was Vice President when President Franklin Delano Roosevelt died in 1945, near the end of World War II. Deciding to run for a full term of his own, Truman announced his candidacy on March 8, 1948. He had received an approval rating of 53% in a poll taken two months earlier. Truman was expected to lose the general election to Republican Thomas Dewey, but he scored a narrow victory.
Truman announced on March 29, 1952, that he would not seek a second full term after losing the New Hampshire primary to Senator Estes Kefauver of Tennessee. His approval rating dropped to 22% amid economic turmoil and the Korean War.
Dwight Eisenhower
Eisenhower, a Republican, had an approval rating of 75% shortly before announcing his campaign for re-election on February 29, 1956. He had suffered a heart attack months earlier at the age of 64, leading to questions about whether he would run.
As the former Supreme Allied Commander during World War II, Eisenhower convinced Americans that he was the right leader on the world stage. Defeated Democratic candidate Adlai Stevenson.
John F. Kennedy
Kennedy was assassinated in 1963, before he had a chance to run for a second term.
Lyndon Johnson
Vice President at the time of Kennedy’s death, Johnson quickly ran for a full first term in 1964, winning a landslide victory over Republican Barry Goldwater. However, the Democrat’s popularity declined badly due to the Vietnam War and domestic unrest.
It became clear that Johnson was in danger of losing his party’s nomination in 1968 after Eugene McCarthy’s strong performance in the New Hampshire primary. Soon after, Johnson shocked the country by announcing on March 31, 1968 that he would not run for a second term. His approval rating was only 36% that month.
Richard Nixon
Nixon had an approval rating of 50% when he announced his campaign for re-election on January 7, 1972. The Watergate break-in occurred at the Democratic National Committee headquarters that summer, but the scandal never gained enough traction to drag him down.
Nixon, a Republican, defeated George McGovern, a Democrat, in a landslide. However, he did not finish his second term, and resigned in 1974 after the revelations about Watergate.
Gerald Ford
Ford, a Republican, became president when Nixon stepped down, announcing he would run for a full term of his own on July 8, 1975. He had garnered an approval rating of 52% the month before.
Faced with discontent with inflation and controversy over his decision to pardon Nixon, he lost the election to Jimmy Carter, a Democrat.
Jimmy Carter
Carter announced his campaign for re-election on December 4, 1979. His approval rating was 51%. However, the American people are fed up with inflation, the energy crisis, and the hostage crisis in Iran. Carter was hit with an initial challenge from the senator. Ted KennedyHe was eventually defeated by Republican Ronald Reagan.
Ronald Reagan
Reagan announced his re-election bid on January 29, 1984. His approval rating was 52% that month. Despite concerns about his age—he was 73 and the oldest president in history at the time—Reagan handily defeated Walter Mondale, a Democrat.
George Bush Sr
Bush’s popularity rose after the Gulf War, when US forces drove Iraq out of Kuwait. However, his approval rating had fallen to 65% by the time he announced his campaign for re-election on October 11, 1991.
Pat Buchanan challenged Bush in the Republican primary. Although Bush won the nomination, his shot for a second term softened amid the economic slowdown. In the end he lost to Bill Clinton, a Democrat.
Bill Clinton
Clinton’s approval rating was 47% when he announced he would run for re-election on April 14, 1995. Democrats struggled with the cancellation of the 1994 midterm elections, leading some to question whether Clinton would be a one-term president. But he rebounded with the help of a growing economy, and defeated Bob Dole, a Republican.
George W. Bush
The attacks of September 11, 2001 led the Bush Republicans to invade Afghanistan, followed by another war in Iraq. One month after US forces entered Baghdad, Bush announced that he would run for re-election on May 16, 2003. His approval rating was 69% that month. Defeated John Kerry, Democrat.
Barack Obama
Obama, a Democrat, had an approval rating of 48% when he announced his campaign for re-election on April 4, 2011. He struggled to convince Americans that the economy was improving after the financial crash and subsequent recession, but was ultimately defeated by Mitt Romney, a Republican. .
Donald Trump
Trump, a Republican, announced he would run for re-election on June 18, 2019. The previous month, his approval rating was 41%. It was first isolated at the end of the year, and then the coronavirus pandemic brought the economy to a standstill. Democrat Joe Biden defeated Trump, who tried to prevent the peaceful transfer of power.
Joe Biden
Biden announced his re-election campaign on April 25. His approval rating had reached 40% in the previous month. Biden will turn 86 at the end of his second term, which has led to concerns that he is too old to continue such a challenging job.
However, Biden did not face any significant primary challengers. The only two Democratic candidates are Marian Williamson and Robert Kennedy Jr. Meanwhile, Trump is leading in the Republican primary as he seeks the party’s nomination, increasing the likelihood of a rematch with Biden.


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