
Aaj Ka Panchang, May 8, 2023: Sunrise is expected at 5:35 AM, while sunset is expected at 7:00 PM. (Representative image: Shutterstock)
Aaj Ka Panchang, May 7, 2023: On Sunday, the Panchang will commemorate Krishna Paksha’s Duitya Tithi and Tritya Tithi.
AAJ KA PANCHANG, May 7, 2023: According to the Hindu calendar, Panchang on Sunday will celebrate Dwitiya Tithi and Tritiya Tithi on Krishna Paksha. Krishna Dwitiya and Krishna Tritiya are considered auspicious for most activities, which is why they are included in the list of favorable Muhurat timings. Read the auspicious and inauspicious tithe times to overcome all the obstacles that come your way and know how your day will turn out.
Sunrise, sunset, full moon and full moon on May 7
Sunrise is expected at 5:36 am, and sunset time is at 7:00 pm. Moonrise is assumed to occur at 8:57 PM and Moonset time is likely to be 6:29 AM.
Details of Tithi, Nakshetra and Rashi for the month of May 7
Dwitiya Tithi will be in effect till 8:15 PM and after that, Tritiya Tithi will take place. The Anuradha Nakshatra will be observed until 8:21 pm, after which the Jyeshtha Nakshatra will occur. The moon will be placed in Vrishchika Rashi while the sun will be seen in Mesha Rashi.
Shab Mohurat on May 7
The Brahma Muhurta will be considered auspicious from 4:11 AM to 4:54 AM, the Abhijit Muhurat will be in effect from 11:51 AM to 12:45 PM, and the Godhuli Muhurat is likely to occur between 6:58 PM and 7:20 PM. The Vijaya Muhurat will be observed from 2:32 PM to 3:25 PM, and the Sayahna Sandhya Muhurat will continue between 7:00 PM and 8:03 PM.
Herb Mahrat on May 7
Rahu Kalam is considered inauspicious during the 5:19 PM to 7:00 PM time frame, while Gulikai Kalam is expected to occur between 3:38 PM to 5:19 PM. The Yamaganda muhurat will be conducted from 12:18 PM to 1:58 PM while the Raja’s Baana muhurat will take place until 6:05 AM on May 8.
What is Krishna Paksha?
Krishna Paksha is a term used in Hinduism to refer to the period of the lunar cycle when the moon is waning or decreasing in size. This phase begins on the day after the full moon (Purnima) and lasts for about two weeks, culminating in the new moon (Amavasya).
The term “Krishna” means dark or black, and it represents the darkening of the moon during this phase. This phase is considered more suitable for spiritual practices and introspection as the energy of the moon decreases.
In contrast, the period of the lunar cycle when the moon is waxing or increasing in size is called Shukla Paksha, which begins on the day after the new moon and culminates in the full moon. Both Krishna Paksha and Shukla Paksha are important in Hinduism and are used to determine auspicious days for various religious and cultural activities.
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