Kottarakkara, Kerala – On Wednesday, a tragic incident unfolded at a taluk hospital in Kottarakkara, Kollam district, Kerala, resulting in the untimely death of 23-year-old Dr. Vandana Das. The young doctor was fatally stabbed by a police detainee who was brought to the hospital for a medical examination. The assailant, identified as Sandeep, a suspended school teacher, had been involved in a fight with his family members prior to being taken into custody.
According to eyewitness reports, Sandeep, who was brought to the hospital for treatment of a leg wound, suddenly became agitated during the course of his treatment. He launched a vicious attack on those present, wielding a pair of scissors and a scalpel. Tragically, Dr. Vandana Das, who was diligently attending to her patients, became the primary target of the assailant and suffered multiple stab wounds. Despite the efforts to save her, Dr. Das succumbed to her injuries a few hours after the incident occurred.
Expressing deep sorrow and condemnation, Mr. MR Ajith Kumar, ADGP (law and order), emphasized that Sandeep was not taken to the hospital as a suspect but rather for necessary medical care. The police constable accompanying the detainee was the first to be stabbed, but managed to escape, along with others present. Regrettably, Dr. Das was unable to flee the scene in time. It was revealed that the assailant, Sandeep, has a history of alcohol abuse.
The Indian Medical Association (IMA) and the Kerala Government Medical Officers’ Association (KGMOA) have organized widespread protests across the state, demanding justice for the deceased doctor and enhanced security measures to protect healthcare professionals.
Responding to the tragic incident, Kerala Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan expressed his condolences and described the incident as “shocking and extremely painful.” Chief Minister Vijayan vowed to conduct a thorough investigation into the matter and affirmed that the government would take decisive action against any attacks on doctors and healthcare workers. In a show of solidarity, both Governor Arif Mohammed Khan and Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan visited KIMS hospital to pay their respects to Dr. Vandana Das.
The untimely demise of Dr. Vandana Das has sent shockwaves through the medical community, emphasizing the urgent need to ensure the safety and well-being of healthcare professionals as they continue to serve on the frontlines of patient care. The incident has underscored the necessity for immediate action to prevent such tragic occurrences in the future.