
OpenAI CEO Sam Altman arrives at the White House to meet with Vice President Kamala Harris on AI, Thursday, May 4, 2023, in Washington.

Evan Fauci | AP

WASHINGTON — House Democrats and Republicans will hold a dinner at the Capitol next week with Sam AltmanCEO of OpenAI, which developed the popular ChatGPT AI chatbotInvitation obtained by NBC News.

The closed-door, members-only event, scheduled for Monday night after the House vote, comes as Washington tries to figure out how to set rules for and Regulating the fast-moving AI industry.

The bipartisan dinner is hosted by Republican Convention Vice Chairman Mike Johnson, R-LA, and Democratic Caucus Vice Chair Ted Lieu, D-Calif., who made headlines this year when Make a decision Written by ChatGPT Congress calls for regulation of artificial intelligence.

Liu, who participated in the advocacy with NBC News, said the goal of Altman’s dinner is to “educate the members.” He said more than 50 MPs responded to the dinner.

The dinner will be one of several appearances on Capitol Hill by Altman. He will testify before Congress for the first time on Tuesday, appearing before a Senate subcommittee on privacy and technology chaired by Sen. Richard Blumenthal, D-Conn.

Last week, Vice President Kamala Harris Meeting In the White House with Altman and other CTOs about the opportunities as well as the potential dangers of emerging, self-learning AI technology. The Biden administration announced it today new steps To advance “responsible” AI innovation while protecting the rights and safety of people, including a $140 million investment to establish seven new AI research institutes.

And senior lawmakers warn that if Congress does not act soon, the US will fall behind China, which is already moving ahead with proposed regulations for artificial intelligence.


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