The Fat Loss Puzzle: Which Part Loses First?


It is a common desire in embarking on a weight loss journey to target specific areas to melt away excess fat- the belly, thighs, and hips are some of the common areas of concern. Some of us are bothered by a protruding belly, others by fat thighs, and still others consider back fat as their main problem. Unfortunately, when our bodies don’t get along and don’t get rid of the layers of fat from these areas first, it can lead to disappointment and frustration. While experts have explained that local reduction is a myth, people then wonder which part of the body tends to lose weight first and how is it determined? Now, trimming aside, experts say an individual’s gender, body type, genetics, and not to forget diet, all play important roles in determining where they will lose weight quickly, and where they will keep the fat for longer. Not to forget that hormonal issues such as insulin resistance make it very difficult to get rid of belly fat, and with elevated insulin, one can keep belly fat for a longer period. So, let’s solve the fat loss conundrum – which part loses first?

The fat loss puzzle

More details on how fat is stored in cells:

Fat cells can grow in size and number. Eating extra calories, over a period of time, can cause the fat cells to increase in size and fat can be stored in these cells throughout the body. Fat cells in our body have different types of receptors, and in terms of weight loss, we mainly focus on alpha-2 receptors and beta-2 receptors. Fat cells with alpha-2 receptors are not actively involved in burning fat while fat cells that have receptors release fat. Beta-2 stored fat for use as energy. The fat cells in your body contain these receptors and their distribution across the body will determine where you will lose fat first and last. If your thighs have fat cells that have more alpha-2 receptors than beta-2 receptors, it will be a little more difficult to lose weight first from there. On the other hand, if the thighs have more beta-2 receptors, it will be easier to burn fat there (body type, genetics, gender, etc. all play a role). The parts of the body with stubborn fat have more alpha-2 receptors than beta-2 receptors. For women, the areas of stubborn fat appear to be the butt, thighs, and hips for women (This fat distribution was the result of an evolutionary adaptation to support the energy demands of pregnancy and breastfeeding. The body instinctively stores extra fat in these areas to ensure it is an easily available source of energy for the growth and nourishment of a developing fetus). For men, it’s the love handles. Also read: “14 reasons why you won’t melt belly fat.”

Remarkably, a person’s gender plays a significant role in where fat comes in first and is held on for longer – women hold onto the weight more stubbornly on the hips, thighs, butt and belly that serve as an energy reserve during pregnancy and lactation. Therefore, it will usually be the last place women actually lose weight, as the body will want to provide all the extra energy to meet the demands of pregnancy.

The exercises are a great help in toning the areas you want, but unless the layers of fat stay on top, your abs won’t be exposed even with hundreds of crunches a day or drinking copious amounts of green tea. As someone rightly said, “Abs are made in the kitchen, revealed in the gym!” Exercise makes a difference to where the fat needs to be lost, but without straightening the diet and creating a calorie deficit, it’s basically useless.

But don’t lose heart, there are great ways to lose weight all over including the thighs, stomach, etc. You can start diet plans through Rati Beauty app, Take part in Speed ​​Slim challenges, and maintain a consistent exercise routine – create a calorie deficit, burn excess fat overall, and ultimately achieve weight loss. These efforts will also help trim your entire body while toning the specific problem areas you wish to address. So straighten up your diet guys, check out the Rati Beauty app for your weight loss diet plans, and lose weight like a boss!

14 reasons why belly fat won’t melt away
5 types of belly fat and ways to melt it


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