How to Prepare for UPSC CSE While Doing a Job: IAS Officer Shares


IAS officer Divya Mittal recently took to Twitter to share tips on how to efficiently prepare for the UPSC exam along with a full-time job.

The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) is one of the most prestigious examinations to be taken in India, which aspirants – from graduates to working professionals – from every corner of the country have attempted. But only a few of them are able to pass the difficult exam and become civil servants.

Not everyone can devote all of their time to UPSC preparation; Some juggle their studies with full-time jobs. They often find themselves in trouble – whether to quit their jobs or not.

So, if you are a working professional seeking guidance on how to prepare for UPSC, Indian Administrative Service (IAS) officer Divya Mittal has some helpful tips which she recently shared on Twitter.

Mittal, who has proven her mettle by taking some of the toughest exams in the country like UPSC, JEE and CAT, is currently serving as the District Magistrate of Mirzapur.

Here are ten elements that, according to Mittal, can help you build a good strategy:

1. Get up early

The first piece of advice an IAS officer gives working professionals is to get up early; For example, at 5 am. “You should set aside 4-5 hours each day for studying and at least 12 hours on weekends,” says Mittal.

2. Take advantage of breaks from work

It asks aspirants to finish reading newspapers and current affairs during office breaks.

She adds, “Living close to work can save travel time. And by commuting on public transportation, you can study on the go, too. It’s a good time to listen to audio and watch videos.”

3. Limit your sources

IAS officer advises aspirants to focus on in-depth study from limited sources rather than over study sources. “This is the most important aspect, because you’re short on time,” Metal wrote on Twitter.

4. Buy notes

“Taking notes is crucial for preparation. But you can also get some notes online or in the marketplace. This will help you save time, and allow you to use that time for high-impact study,” says Mittal.

5. Leaves split

The IAS officer advises working professionals to use paperwork wisely.

“Take the papers close to your exams and try to take a longer break after clearing the prelims. Now, depending on how many papers you can take, divide it up this way—two weeks before the prelims and one month before the mains.”

6. Stress management

Mittal shares that working professionals often handle the stress of work as well as preparation. So her advice is to leave work problems in the office itself. “This will allow you to stay focused when preparing for the exam,” she adds.

7. Avoid socializing

The IAS officer asks aspirants to eliminate distractions—hanging out with colleagues in the office after work, attending social events and movies—because time is critical to those in the process.

8. Drown out negativity

One of the many challenges working professionals face may be doubts about their abilities. “Go ahead and prove them wrong. Cut ties with these negative people, and talk to a mentor who can push and motivate you,” Mittal advises.

9. Avoid slouching

She shares that because working professionals already have a backup — their current job — they should not allow themselves to become complacent, at any point, adding, “Continuous motivation is most important in a CSE survey.”

10. Maintain focus

An IAS officer says, “Once you have chosen any service, quit on the same day. With the choice in place, you have the security of getting a private job at any time. This will help to focus fully on the next attempt.”

“It should also be noted that work experience helps in achieving good grades during the UPSC interview. It is not a downside,” Mittal highlights. “It’s definitely hard, but if you have the commitment, you can make it happen!”

Edited by Pranita Bhatt


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