
Islamabad, Minister of Defense of Pakistan Khawaja Asif A media report on Sunday said the chances are that former Prime Minister Imran Khan will be tried by a military court for his alleged involvement in the events of May 9 in which military and state installations were attacked by employees of his party.
The Express Tribune quoted Asif as saying that Khan, 70, could be tried by a military court if evidence of his involvement in the May 9 violence emerges in the coming days.
He also confirmed that no case has been registered against him Tehreek-e-Insaf Pakistan President to date regarding the May 9 attacks.
“Certainly… there are opportunities for Imran Khan to be tried before a military court,” the minister said, while answering a question about whether the ousted prime minister could be tried under the army law.
His remarks came days after Home Minister Rana Sanaullah announced that Khan would be tried by a military court because the former prime minister was the “architect” of the May 9 events.
Khan’s party found itself in hot water when protesters allegedly affiliated with the party attacked civilian and military property on 9 May following Khan’s arrest in the Qadir corruption case.
The trial of persons involved in the attacks on military installations in various parts of the country, including the attack on the general headquarters in Rawalpindi as well as Jinnah’s house in Lahore where the corps commander was staying, has already begun.
Earlier, Asif was quoted as saying that no decision had been taken regarding the trial of the cricketer-turned-politician under Army Act, but he did not rule out the possibility on the grounds that Khan was the mastermind behind the May 9 violence and knew all about what it was. happen that day.
Statements by the defense and home ministers hinting at Khan’s trial in a military court stem from the federal cabinet’s decision that protesters who vandalized military facilities on May 9 will be prosecuted under the Army Act and the Official Secrets Act.
Government ministers have repeatedly said that no new military courts will be established and suspects will be tried in the “special permanent courts” that were already operating under Army law.
Army Commander Major General Assem Munir also said that the perpetrators, planners and executors of the May 9 attacks will be prosecuted under the Army Law and the Official Secret Law, adding that no leniency will be shown to those who attacked military facilities.
Khan denied his involvement in the violence, saying he was in prison at the time of the events. He said that the institution plans to keep him in prison for 10 years in a sedition case.
On 9 May, violent protests erupted after Khan was arrested by paramilitary guards in Islamabad. His party workers vandalized more than 20 military installations and government buildings, including the home of the Lahore Corps Commander, Mianwali Air Base and ISI Building in Faisalabad. The Army Headquarters (GHQ) in Rawalpindi was also attacked by mobs for the first time. Khan was later released on bail.
The violence sparked a strong response from the government and military with pledges of action against the perpetrators, which led to an ongoing crackdown on those involved.
Law enforcement agencies have arrested more than 10,000 Khan’s party workers across Pakistan, 4,000 of whom are from Punjab.
Police put the death toll in the violent clashes at 10 while Khan’s party claimed that 40 of its workers were killed in shootings by security personnel.
The Punjab Police had previously claimed, citing a geo-fence report, that Khan and his close aides allegedly coordinated efforts to storm the Lahore Corps Commander’s residence and other premises.


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