Check Out Tithi, Vrat, Rahu Kaal, and Other Details for Monday


Last updated: 05 Jun 2023 at 05:00 AM IST

Aaj Ka Panchang, June 5, 2023: Sunrise is likely to occur at 5:23 AM, while sunset is expected to occur at 7:16 PM.  (photo: shutterstock)

Aaj Ka Panchang, June 5, 2023: Sunrise is likely to occur at 5:23 AM, while sunset is expected to occur at 7:16 PM. (photo: shutterstock)

Aaj Ka Panchang, June 5, 2023: Monday marks the anniversary of Pratipada and Duitya Tithi of Krishna Paksha, marking the beginning of the month of Ashada.

AAJ KA PANCHANG, June 5, 2023: Monday will witness the Pratipada and Duitya Tithi of Krishna Paksha, signifying the beginning of the month of Ashada. This day does not host any major Hindu festivals or celebrations. However, it is necessary to keep in mind the timing of tithing, both auspicious and inauspicious if you plan to perform any rituals or activities on this day. This knowledge can provide valuable insights into the flow of your day and help you make informed decisions. These predictions can also help you overcome all the obstacles that come your way throughout the day.

Sunrise, sunset, full moon and full moon on June 5

Sunrise is most likely to occur at 5:23 AM, while sunset is expected to occur at 7:16 PM. Moonrise is estimated at 8:55 PM, and the moonset time is 6:04 AM.

Details of Tithi, Nakshatra and Rashi on June 5

The Pratipada Tithi is scheduled to remain in force until 6:38 am, and soon after, the Dwitya Tithi will last until 3:48 am on June 6. It is expected that the Mula Nakshatra will be observed until 1:23 am on June 6 function which will conduct the Purva Ashadha. The moon is expected to be seen on Dhanu Rashi while the sun will be observed on Vrishabha Rashi.

Shab Mahrat June 5th

The auspicious times for the day are as follows. Brahma muhurta is expected to be performed from 4:02 am to 4:43 am. Abhijit muhurta runs from 11:52 AM to 12:47 PM. The expected timeframe for Godhuli Muhurta is 7:15 PM to 7:35 PM. Vijaya muhurta will be observed from 2:39 PM to 3:34 PM, and Sayahna Sandhya muhurta will extend between 7:16 PM and 8:17 PM. Moreover, Nishita muhurta will run from 11:59 PM to 12:40 AM on June 6 and Amrit Kalam muhurta will run from 7:31 PM to 8:59 PM.

Herb Mahrat June 5th

The mowed grasses, or ominous times of the day, are as follows. Rahu is considered kalam from 7:07 am to 8:51 am. The Gulikai Kalam time frame will be observed between 2:04 PM and 3:48 PM. Yamaganda muhurta will be valid from 10:36 AM to 12:20 PM. Baana muhurta will happen at Mrityu until 7:30 pm and then give way to Agni.


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