
Get to know your city | Bangalore Palace: A Tudor fortress in the center of the city

Bangalore Palace View of the exterior of Bangalore Palace. (Quick photo by Jithendra M)

For those who have visited the Amba Vilas Palace in Mysuru, the idea of ​​a Wodeyar Kings residence is something deeply rooted in their history as a six-century dynasty. On the other hand, their newer residence in Bengaluru speaks more about their incarnation as modern rulers with international sensibilities at the head of a rapidly developing state in the last years of the nineteenth century.

Bangalore Palace Interior view of Bangalore Palace. (Quick photo by Jithendra M)

At first glance, just off Jayamahal Road, the palace’s Tudor-style towers, fortifications, and fortifications, complete with creepers climbing the walls, would not seem out of place in the English countryside. Although it has been repeated that the design of the palace was based on Windsor Castle, the connection is probably indirect at best. The castle’s features point to inspiration from John Nash’s Regency-era castles – some of which actually borrowed design elements from Windsor Castle. (read more)

Bangalore Palace Interior view of Bangalore Palace. (Quick photo by Jithendra M)


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