Diablo 4 players can choose between multiple weapons in the game. However, the weapons available to them vary based on which class they play for. For example, barbarians have access to clubbing weapons, while rogues have access to bows and crossbows. Given that all classes can wield at least two weapons, how do they switch between their equipped weapons in the middle of a fight?
Arms exchange is an important mechanism. For shooters, it is always better to switch to a secondary weapon than to reload in the middle of a gunfight. However, this is not the case in Diablo 4. Here’s everything players need to know about swapping weapons in the game.
Diablo 4 weapon swap explained
You won’t have to manually switch weapons in Diablo 4. Instead, it’s something the game does automatically. However, what you need to do is map a specific skill to a weapon and then equip that skill on your quickbar.
For classes like Rogue, you don’t even have to do that because the character can use a ranged weapon and a melee weapon. When using ranged skills, the ranged weapon is selected, while the melee weapon is selected when melee skills are turned on. The situation is somewhat different for the barbarians, who have the ability to use three different types of weapons in Diablo 4.
When you assign skills to a specific slot in the game, you will have the option to select the weapon you want to associate with that skill, provided your character can use multiple weapons for the same skill.
Depending on the requirements, you can press the desired claim button for your device and customize the weapon manually. You can also let the game automatically choose the weapon best suited to the particular skill in question. This saves you from having to manually customize a weapon.
Having said that, it’s always a good idea to keep a skill set that seamlessly transitions between two or more weapons in Diablo 4. This is because you never know what kind of situation you might land in.
For example, if you are stuck in a battle where you need to deal damage from a distance, but you are stuck with melee weapons, then this is pointless. So, keep an eye on the skills you use, gauge your play style, and then select your builds accordingly.
As you progress in the game, you will continue to receive better weapons. It is recommended that you keep switching your weapons until you reach the end game stages. During the early and middle stages of the game, upgrading a weapon doesn’t matter much. Save your crafting components for later stages when you will actually need them to upgrade items.