Sameera Reddy pens a note on career post motherhood: ‘How can one balance it all?’


Sameera Reddy She has always been in the spotlight for asking some tough questions that may not necessarily find favorable answers but are certainly food for thought. And just like that, the mother-of-two recently wrote a note on Instagram asking others moms How they feel about balancing it all, especially when they had a career before embracing motherhood.

take a look.

Career and motherhood. Can we have it all? I’ve been asked many times why I haven’t gone out to make films again. There are opportunities but I haven’t mustered up the courage… yet. How does one balance it all? ” I wrote.

While posting some pictures of her childrenShe encouraged other moms to share their experiences and wrote, “Ladies, today I’m really looking forward to you for your experience on how to handle it. Have you taken a break from your career goals? Are you working from home? Are you going to an office/workplace? How have the kids handled it?” Do you feel guilty? Do you have a support system? Moms who choose to pause like me – do you have any ideas on how you feel about it. Are you okay with the pause? We’d like to have a healthy discussion so we can all support each other with experience and information.”

In response to this post, one mum wrote, “Never took a break but had great custody at school which allowed me to be guilt free plus my husband was very accommodating and helped a lot. We chose jobs in Mumbai closer to the school, which helped with the case Any emergencies happen. Sometimes we win, sometimes we lose but planning helps. My kid is now 20, independent, loving, and wants to be like me… I sigh with relief that I didn’t make a mistake!”

child's mother Motherhood can be exciting but also challenging (Source: Getty Images / Thinkstock)

Another mother expressed that the mother’s guilt is consistent. “Hi Samira, I am a working woman by choice, sometimes I wish I could take a break but then again I feel like it is all for my little one. She has seen me work since she was two months old, so I have adapted to this lifestyle. She has been blessed God is a good domestic helper and a supportive husband, so we are all together on this journey.Mom’s guilt is always there can never go.Whatever role you play whether it’s a working mom or a part-time mom, as long as you’re happy on the inside, the world around you is happyShe said.

“I’m a mom of twins and she has a doctor too. I’ve made my hours flexible (I only work 4-5 hours) and take care of both of them for the remaining hours! My husband is my support system!” another user shared.

Dr. Surabhi Siddhartha, Consultant Obstetrics and Gynecology at Maternity Hospital, Kharghar feels that mothers are the best jugglers in the world. They seem to juggle everything – family, career and money. But with so much responsibility, a woman can sometimes feel burdened and anxious. The psychological condition known as “super mom syndrome” causes physical and mental pain that affects almost all working mothers to some degree. However, overburdening yourself while trying to be a great mother It causes stress and drains your vitality,” the doctor said.

According to the expert, women are under pressure to achieve balance in their profession, to be the perfect parent, and to be faithful wives, all while putting aside their personal needs.

What can help?

Dr. Siddhartha pointed out that one must set the record straight and make time for what is most important. Set priorities and assign tasks to others. Determine how loved ones can help ease the burden for you so you can take a break. She said no to less important things or putting them off, adding that “asking for help doesn’t mean failure.”

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