
The principal of the school, Dr. Saban Patralikh of Jharkhand, has developed a unique method of educating not only children, but also their parents and grandparents. Watch this video to see how it’s helping people across the ages access education again.

When the first lockdown was announced in March 2020, educational institutions across the country were closed. While children with access to phones and the Internet could continue to learn through online classes, the situation was a stark contrast in many villages.

One such village was Dumarthar, in Dumka, Jharkhand.

The fact that the children of this village could not get an education due to the lockdown gave sleepless nights to Dr. Saban Patralek, who is a teacher and principal at Dumarthar Ukramit Madhya Vidyalaya (Developed Medium School).

To help these children, he put up blackboards outside every house in Dumarthar.

“I was very worried, as it took a lot of effort to get these kids into school. I was afraid that these kids would drop out or get married or go to work worse. That’s when we put up the blackboards on the outside of the mud houses. We were able to continue educating every child from 2020 to 2022.”

After schools reopen in February 2022, the board is no longer in use. So Saban started thinking of ways to use it until he got his “aha!” Moment’. During a survey in the village, it was found that most of the elderly are illiterate.

Then he asked the children to educate the elderly, whether parents or grandparents, using these blackboards.

“My goal is to make parents aware of the importance of education so that they too can be proud of their children,” says Saban, who has received many accolades for his initiative.

Watch how Saban Dumarthar helps access education, no barrier:

(embed) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LtK15KHudIk (/embed)


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