To ensure strict action is taken against ‘Solutions’ gangs and persons involved in leakage of question papers for public examinations, the Uttar Pradesh Law Commission (UPSLC) has prepared Bill: Uttar Pradesh Public Examination (Prevention of Unfair Means, Paper Leakage and Solver Activities Bill) Gang, 2023.
On Saturday, official sources said the move was aimed at ensuring integrity in public examinations. The bill includes a minimum prison sentence of five years and a fine of 10 lakh rupees, which may extend up to 14 years and a fine of 25 lakh rupees.
There is also a provision to link the property of any person acting as a member of a kosher gang, individually or publicly, acquired with the commission of a crime. Sources said the commission submitted the draft law to the government recently.
To prepare the bill, the state law commission conducted a critical study of the laws prevailing in the state and other states in the country to prevent unfair activities in public places.
After taking all aspects of public examinations into consideration, the Law Commission decided to prepare a draft effective law to reduce the risk of leakage of papers, copies and dissolution gang activities in public examinations and submit it to the state government for promulgation with appropriate penalties. judgments. The Legal Committee has taken note on its own of the danger prevalent in the community due to the “solution” gangs and the use of unfair means in public places.
to examine.
In the past, several states have enacted laws to reduce cheating and the use of unfair means during public examinations.
When contacted on Saturday, UPSLC President Justice (Ret.) Pradeep Kumar Srivastava said the panel had focused on the “resolution” gangs and people involved in the paper leak.
Before preparing the bill, the Law Commission studied news reports about gangs and paper leaks as well as actions in several states like Jammu and Kashmir, Rajasthan, Andhra Pradesh, Chhattisgarh and Haryana.
The committee also underwent the Uttarakhand Competitive Examination (Prevention and Prevention of Unfair Means in Employment) Act 2023, which was recently promulgated by the Government of Uttarakhand.