
China must play a major role in shaping the AI ​​safeguards needed to ensure the safety of new transformative systems, OpenAI CEO Sam Altman He said. “With the advent of increasingly powerful AI systems, the stakes for global collaboration have never been greater,” Altmann, whose company sparked an AI wave in China with the launch of ChatGPT, said at a conference in Beijing via video link on Saturday.
In both China and Silicon Valley, talent and investment are pouring into artificial intelligence, a strategic area that will help define the deepening technology rivalry between the world’s two largest economies. Advances in artificial intelligence have also highlighted tensions in how governments seek to regulate the sector, which Chinese President Xi Jinping has said requires greater state oversight to mitigate national security risks.
“China has some of the best AI talents in the world, and mainly because of the difficulties in solving the alignment of advanced AI systems, this requires the best minds from all over the world,” Altman He told participants at the event hosted by the Beijing Academy of Artificial Intelligence.
Altman’s speech itself was notable because the academy has positioned itself so firmly in China’s artificial intelligence sector. The Chinese nonprofit, with support from the country’s Ministry of Science and Technology, has been named validated by Microsoft chief Brad Smith as one of the top three candidates in AI innovation. OpenAI’s ChatGPT is not currently available in China.


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