
Since the Chandigarh administration issued orders under the new Electric Vehicle (EV) Policy 2022, many people who bought hybrid cars before May 25 have started filing complaints arguing that they should get exemption from the road tax as given to electric or battery-powered vehicles. buyers.

According to the orders issued on May 25, people who purchased battery-powered vehicles were exempt from road tax from March 18 this year to the next five years until March 17, 2028. Also, buyers of hybrid vehicles (including a plug-in hybrid), who purchased their vehicles on or after May 25, they will be exempt from paying road tax.

“When battery-powered vehicles were given exemptions from March 18, why not use hybrid vehicles,” asked Dr. Gaurav Jain from Sector 21, who bought a hybrid four-wheel drive two months ago.

Detailing his ordeal, Jin said he bought his car with an electric vehicle (EV) policy in mind for 2019, as he hoped to get some benefits. “When I contacted the motor company, it informed me that the company had no idea about any subsidy and exemption. I had paid road tax around Rs 80,000 for my vehicle to the Registration and Licensing Authority (RLA) in the first week of May. In fact, I have sent my representation to the UT management after Paid road tax. A few days later battery and hybrid vehicles were ordered exempt. I reached out to the RLA to inquire if I would benefit or be refunded my road tax. “My case was dismissed,” Jane said.

Santosh Kumar of Sector 38, who also bought a hybrid car in April, also demanded the benefit of the road tax exemption. We bought the car keeping in mind the electric vehicle policy and the central government’s push for the environment. When battery powered vehicles can be taken advantage of, why not hybrid vehicles?

The sources said that an average of more than 150 electric and hybrid cars were sold in Chandigarh this year before May 25.

When contacted, Transport and Home Minister Nitin Kumar Yadav, who issued the EV orders, said that although the notifications were issued on the same day, they were based on different contexts. “People should know that battery-powered vehicles have been exempted from taxes including road tax and so on for the past three years. The exemption time passed on March 18th this year. We continued the exemption with an order on May 25th.”

He added that for hybrid cars, there is no such policy on road tax exemption. “The orders issued on May 25th are the new orders related to electric and hybrid cars. Only people who purchased hybrid cars on or after May 25th will be exempt from the road tax.

Since the notification about the orders has not yet been uploaded to the auto dealership portal, it is causing a lot of confusion for customers who are inquiring about purchasing electric and hybrid cars, said a senior sales officer of Toyota Motor Dealership.

He added, “They (customers) believe that hybrid cars purchased from March 18 will also be exempt from road condition, which is not the case.”


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