5 Wrong Ways To Drink Green Tea


Green tea is the most popular beverage among fitness enthusiasts and its effects on weight loss and overall health have been unanimously praised by health experts. EGCG is the most abundant and potent catechin in green tea that has been studied extensively for its antioxidant and potential health-promoting effects, including reducing inflammation and protecting against various diseases. There is no confusion about all the good things green tea can do for your body, but there are a lot of subtleties about this amazing beverage that one needs to know to get the maximum benefit from it, from the temperature of the water to the temperature of the green tea to how long you should steep it. It is fermented (don’t brew it for more than 2 to 3 minutes in hot water) to prevent it from becoming bitter, and more. Being a calorie-free beverage, a good source of antioxidants with many health benefits and weight loss promoting properties, including green tea in your daily routine, especially when you want to lose weight has become a must. But many people drink green tea in the wrong way and that is why they do not see any good results from consuming it on a regular basis. In this article, we list 5 wrong ways to drink green tea.

5 wrong ways to drink green tea

1. On an empty stomach, first thing in the morning:

Do not consume green tea on an empty stomach as it can cause heartburn by stimulating stomach acid secretion. Some people may experience stomach discomfort or nausea when consuming green tea on an empty stomach, especially if they are prone to acid reflux. If you find that green tea upsets your stomach in the morning, you can try taking it with a light breakfast or after eating something. Have a cup of warm water first and then wait an hour before consuming any other beverage such as green tea.

2. Drink too many cups.

Since green tea contains a large amount of caffeine, consuming it in large amounts can cause headaches, nervousness, insomnia, irritability, irregular heartbeat, heartburn, dizziness, and confusion. Since green tea can be dehydrating, it is recommended to limit your intake to 2 to 3 cups per day. According to Harvard Health Publications, 3 cups is a normal amount to get the most benefit from this drink, and you need to stay within the optimal dosage.

3. Make It Like Regular Tea:

While we all know green tea should be made in hot water, don’t make it like regular tea – don’t boil green tea leaves in water while it’s on a flame. Boil the water to 80 to 85 degrees, or when bubbles begin to form in the bottom of the pot. Take it off the heat and steep the green tea bag at this temperature. If the water is cold, the antioxidants and catechins will not be activated. If the water is too hot, it will reduce the antioxidant activity. Therefore, the water in which green tea should be drunk should be neither hot nor cold.

4. Adding Sweeteners and Sugar to Green Tea:

To get the maximum benefits from green tea, drink it without any sugar or sweeteners. Sugar adds a lot of calories to this zero-calorie drink, and artificial sweeteners have been found to disrupt the gut microbiome. Have regular green tea instead.

5. Take it right before bed.

Do not drink green tea before going to bed as the caffeine content in it can disturb your sleep pattern and you may find yourself staring at the ceiling most of the night.

In short, green tea only helps give a slight boost to the entire weight loss process, it is not a magic bullet to melt away all the excess fat. When trying to lose weight, it is important to pay attention to portion sizes and eat a balanced diet, all while maintaining a caloric deficit. And for your own weight loss diet plans, subscribe to Rati beauty app Where you can lose weight by eating normal daily food and without food deprivation.

10 ways to incorporate green tea into your diet without drinking it
10 ways to maximize the benefits of green tea for weight loss


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