Check Out Tithi, Shubh Muhurat, Rahu Kaal and Other Details For Thursday


Last updated: June 15, 2023 at 05:00 AM IST

Aaj Ka Panchang, June 14, 2023: Sunrise is expected to occur at 5:23 AM while sunset time is stated at 7:20 PM.  (photo: shutterstock)

Aaj Ka Panchang, June 14, 2023: Sunrise is expected to occur at 5:23 AM while sunset time is stated at 7:20 PM. (photo: shutterstock)

Aaj Ka Banchang, June 15, 2023: According to Drake Banchang, Hindus will hold four religious festivals namely Yogini Ekadashi Parana, Mithuna Sankranti, Masik Karthigai and Pradush Vrat on Thursday.

AAJ KA PANCHANG, June 15, 2023: Thursday’s Panchang will feature the Dwadashi Tithi and Trayodashi Tithi of Krishna Paksha, according to the Hindu month of Magha. According to Drake Panchang, Hindus will celebrate four religious festivals, namely Yogini Ekadashi Parana, Mithuna Sankranti, Masik Karthigai and Pradosh Vrat on this day. It is crucial to have a thorough understanding of the tithes and nakshatras, as well as the happy and inauspicious periods, as this knowledge plays a pivotal role in making accurate predictions about the events of the day. Moreover, it helps in effectively overcoming any obstacles that come your way throughout the day.

Sunrise, sunset, full moon and full moon on June 15

Sunrise is expected to occur at 5:23 AM, while sunset is expected to occur at 7:20 PM. The moon is expected to rise at 3:36 a.m. on June 16 and set at 4:51 p.m.

Details of Tithi, Rashi and Nakshatra on 15th June

According to Drik Panchang, it is estimated that Dwadashi tithi will be observed until 8:32 AM, after which Tithi Trayodashi will begin. The moon sign is believed to be present on Misha Rashid until 8:23 PM, and will be observed later on Frishabha Rashid. On the other hand, sun sign is expected to be observed in Frishabha Rashid. Bharani Nakshatra is expected to prevail until 2:12 PM, which will be Krittika Nakshatra.

Shab Mahrat June 15th

Throughout the day, different appropriate time slots can be selected. It is estimated that the Brahma Muhurta reigns from 4:02 AM to 4:43 AM and is considered to be one such auspicious time. Another favorable period known as Godhuli Muhurat is expected to occur between 7:19 PM and 7:39 PM. Vijaya Muhurat, which is reported to occur from 2:41 PM to 3:37 PM, is another important time frame. Finally, the Sayahna Sandhya Muhurat is scheduled to take place between 7:20 PM and 8:21 PM.

Herb Mahrat 15 June

It is important to be aware of specific periods of time, especially when considering inauspicious periods such as Rahu Kalam. This mahra is believed to occur between 2:06 pm and 3:51 pm while Golikai kalam is expected to take place from 8:52 am to 10:37 am. In addition, Muharram is expected to prevail from 10:02 am to 10:58 am and then from 3:37 pm to 4:33 pm on June 15.


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