The Card Evolution update is coming to Clash Royale, and it’s about to completely change how the game is played for a long time. The developers of Supercell have provided a great teaser of things to come, with a music video for the duo Tenacious D. Based on the information released today, the upcoming update could drastically change the in-game meta.
Since its release in 2016, Clash Royale has become one of the most popular mobile games of all time. With its tactical approach and new events, fans have always loved what Supercell had to offer them.
The Card Evolution update has the potential to make the base cards better and stronger in the game while adding unique skills. Let’s take a look at all the key points for gamers and when they can expect the next update to be on their hands.
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When is the Card Evolution update released in Clash Royale?
June 16th was just a prelude to most of the content coming into the game. After the update, fans around the world can experience the new system starting from June 19, 2023.
The new features will be available to all players, old and new. The Card Evolution update will boost the cards common to the game – Barbarians, Royal Giants, Skeleton, and more. These were the staples of each group, but their potential roles are greatly limited. This will now change once players unlock new abilities for these units.
With the help of Evolution Shards, these Clash Royale units will inherit new skills. While players start out with the common variants, they can turn on the special skills mid-game. This will force players to take a tactical approach and think outside the box to outsmart their opponents. Furthermore, the metadata is expected to change as cards become more popular, and going forward, they may become the cornerstones of decks.
The Card Evolution update allows older players to use their preferred shared units differently. The likes of Skeleton and Barbarians will no longer remain as in-game mana management options during matches. For new players, the progression within the game will be a lot faster with the help of these units. Evolution shards, which will be required for upgrades, will be available from various sources.
The Slash Royale event also runs through June 19th. Clash Royale players can upgrade any card for half the original cost as long as it is active. This is the perfect opportunity for beginners and veterans to prepare their decks for the next update.