Last updated: June 16, 2023, 22:31 IST

The Congress government led by Sukhvinder Singh Sokho accused the opposition of trying to score points on the issue. (Photo/News18)
In a suspected “honour killing” case, a young man believed to be having an affair with a minority woman was murdered. His body was cut into eight pieces and thrown into a sack before being disposed of in the sewers
The killing of a Dalit youth in Saloni district of Chamba district of Himachal Pradesh has sparked a political controversy with the Bharatiya Janata Party seeking an investigation by the National Investigation Agency (NIA) into the incident even as the Congress government led by Sukhvinder Singh Sukho is accused. Opposition attempt to score points in the case.
In a suspected “honour killing” case, a young man believed to be having an affair with a minority woman was murdered. His body was cut into eight pieces and thrown into a sack before being disposed of in the sewers.
The victim has been missing since June 6. His body was recovered three days later.
The recovery of the mutilated body led to protests and a mob of about 1,000 people set fire to the home of the family suspected of being responsible for the killing.
The murder took on a political colour, with the BJP planning to hold dharans across Himachal Pradesh even as the state government accused the opposition of trying to stir up controversy over a heinous crime.
Cabinet ministers Jagat Singh Negi, Rohit Thakur and Anirudh Singh in a joint statement on Friday slammed the opposition for “playing politics” over youth killings. And they said: the fact that the accused has been arrested and law and order agencies are investigating the case.
According to the ministers, the police, after filing an FIR, immediately arrested the culprits and were investigating the incident, but the opposition was unnecessarily trying to hinder the investigation and also create law and order problems by gathering in large numbers despite the imposed Article 144 and trying to disturb harmony and peace. .
They said the government was committed to providing justice for the family members of those killed but that the opposition was indulging in cheap tactics for its ulterior motives.
BJP President Rajeev Bendal said the party will hold Dhahranization in all district headquarters and will submit a memorandum to the governor through deputy commissioners.
Former Chief Minister Jai Ram Thakur along with other BJP leaders tried to march towards the village but were stopped. They later detained Al-Dharna near the village and demanded an investigation by the National Intelligence Agency into the incident.