
Vineeth succumbed to his injuries while being transported to hospital (Representative Image: Shutterstock)
When Vineeth exited the police station, he was chased by five men in the SUV. After the victim fell to the ground, they started beating him and later fled in the car
In a gruesome accident, a man was slashed to death in Karikudi district of Tamil Nadu on Sunday.
It was alleged that the victim, Arivazhagan alias Vineeth, was involved in a murder case. The incident occurred when he was leaving the police station where he had gone to appear in connection with the murder case. India today mentioned.
When Vineeth exited the police station, he was chased by five men in the SUV. After the victim fell to the ground, they started beating him and later fled in the car.
Vineeth succumbed to his injuries while being transported to the hospital.