Gita Press: Will accept citation but not money


day after the center He announced the prestigious Gandhi Peace Prize For the Gorakhpur-based Gita Press, the publisher has announced that it will receive the citation but will not accept the ₹1 crore cash award that comes with the award. “We are not receiving any awards or donations. In this present case, we will receive the citation but will not accept any award money as receiving a cash award would be against our principles,” said Gita Press Director Lalmani Tiwari Indian Express.

On Sunday, the jury chaired by Prime Minister Narendra Modi decided unanimously in favor of Gita Press for the award. The Foundation has claimed, in the past, that it never relied on advertising to generate revenue, nor does it depend on any donations. The Press Board of Trustees met late Sunday after the award was announced and decided not to receive the cash component of Rs 1 crore, she said.

The government statement states that the Gandhi Peace Prize, established by the government in 1995 to commemorate the 125th birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi, is open to anyone regardless of nationality, race, language, caste, creed or gender. Holds prize money of Rs 1 crore, quote, plaque, and traditional handicraft/handloom item.

Presently, Gita Press is one of the largest publishing houses in the world and the only indigenous publishing house of colonial India that continues to thrive in the 21st century.


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