Singapore is not looking to regulate A.I. just yet, says the city-state


The waterfront of Marina Bay in Singapore.

Nikki Luo | bloomberg | Getty Images

As governments debate whether AI poses risks or risks and whether it needs regulation, Singapore is taking a more wait-and-see approach.

“We are not currently looking to regulate AI,” Lee Wan Sie, director of artificial intelligence and data at the Information Media Development Authority of Singapore, told CNBC. IMDA promotes and regulates the telecommunications and media sectors in Singapore.

The Singapore government is making efforts to promote the responsible use of AI.

It invites companies to collaborate on The world’s first AI test kit – It’s called AI Verify – which enables users to run technical tests on their AI models and check-in process checks.

We will learn how AI is used before we decide whether more needs to be done organizationally.

Lee Wan you

Director of Artificial Intelligence and Trusted Data, IMDA

AI Verify launched as a pilot project in 2022. Tech giant ibm And Singapore Airlines Beta testing has already begun as part of the program.

Invitations to organize

In recent months, echo AI has gained momentum after chatbot ChatGPT went viral for its ability to generate human-like responses to users’ prompts. It has reached 100 million users in just two months after its launch.

Globally, there have been repeated calls for government interventions to address the potential risks of AI.

Tech leaders like OpenAI CEO Sam Altman and Tesla CEO Elon Musk own it Be aware of the dangers of technology.

“At this point, it’s pretty clear that we want to be able to learn from industry. We will learn how AI is being used before we decide whether more needs to be done regulatory-wise,” Lee said, adding that regulation may be introduced at some point. suffix.

He told me, “We realize that as a small country, as a government, we may not have all the answers to this. So it’s very important that we work closely with industry, research organizations and other governments.”

Hania Mohammadian, AI ethicist at DataRobot and advisory member of DataRobot US National Advisory Committee on Artificial Intelligence“It really benefits” both companies and policymakers, he said.

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“The industry is much more hands-on when it comes to AI. Sometimes when it comes to regulations, you see the gap between what policymakers think about AI versus what is actually happening in the business,” Mahmoudian said.

“So specifically having this kind of collaboration to create these kinds of toolkits has input from the industry. It really benefits both sides,” she added.

GoogleAnd Microsoft And ibm Among the tech giants who have already joined the AI ​​Verify Foundation – a global open source community created to discuss AI standards and best practices, as well as collaborate on AI governance.

“We at Microsoft commend the Singapore government’s leadership in this area,” said Brad Smith, President and Vice President, Microsoft. In a press release.

“By creating practical resources such as an AI governance testing framework and toolkit, Singapore helps organizations build robust testing and governance processes,” said Smith.

Collaborative approach

French President Emmanuel Macron calls for global regulation of artificial intelligence

Innovation in a safe environment

Singapore can act as an “agent” in the region to allow innovation but in a safe environment, said Stella Kramer, head of the Asia Pacific group at international law firm Clifford Chance.

Clifford Chance works with regulators on guidelines and frameworks across a range of markets.

Singapore has sort of positioned itself almost as the host in the area of ​​responsible and trustworthy use of AI.

Stella Kramer

APAC Chair of the International Law Firm’s Technical Group, Clifford Chance

“There is just this consistent approach that we see around openness and collaboration. Singapore is seen as a jurisdiction that is a safe place to come, test and deploy your technology with the support of regulators in a controlled environment,” Kramer said. .

The city-state has launched many pilot projects such as FinTech Regulatory Sandbox or Healthy Sandbox For industry players to test their products in a live environment before going to market.

“These structured frameworks and testing toolkits will help guide AI governance policies to promote safe and trustworthy AI for businesses,” said Cramer.

“AI Verify may be useful for demonstrating compliance with certain requirements,” said IMDA’s Lee. “Ultimately, as a regulator, if I want to enforce (regulate), I have to know how to do it.”


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