Last updated: June 20, 2023 at 05:00 AM IST

Aaj Ka Panchang, June 20, 2023: Sunrise is expected at 05:23 AM, while sunset is expected at 07:21 PM. (photo: shutterstock)
Aaj Ka Banchang, June 20, 2023: Tuesday’s Banchang will signify the presence of both Dwitiya and Tritiya tithis during Shukla Paksha.
AAJ KA PANCHANG, June 20, 2023: Tuesday’s Panchang will signify the presence of both Dwitiya and Tritiya tithis during Shukla Paksha. The Duetia clan will be monitored until 01:07 p.m. Moreover, devotees can observe Dhruva Yoga until 01:48 am on 21st June, which is considered suitable for most auspicious activities. After Dhruva Yoga, Vyaghata Yoga will continue until 02:35 am on June 22nd and last for 9th Ghati. It is important to note that Vyaghata Yoga is considered inauspicious. Therefore, individuals who plan auspicious activities should keep these dates in mind. Here is a summary of the auspicious and inauspicious tithe times for June 20:
Sunrise, sunset, full moon and full moon on June 20
Sunrise is expected at 05:23 AM while sunset is expected at 07:21 PM. In addition, moonrise is scheduled at 06:52 AM, and moonset will occur at 09:27 PM.
Details of Tithi, Nakshetra, and Rashi for June 20, Tue
The Tritiya Tithi will continue until 1:07 in the afternoon, after which the Tritiya Tithi will begin. Punarvasu Nakshatra will conclude at 10:37 pm, giving way to Pushya Nakshatra. For Karana, the Kaulava Karana will be in effect until 1:07 pm, followed by Taitila Karana, which will last until 02:06 am on June 21. Garaja Karana will then become effective and will end at 03:09 PM June 21, the moon has been spotted at Maithuna Rashid until 03:58 PM and will be followed by his son Karka Rashid.
Muhorta was born on June 20
During the Brahma Muhurta, from 04:02 am to 04:43 am, it is considered auspicious for spiritual practices and meditation. After that, Pratah Sandhya term will start from 04:22 AM to 05:23 AM. Abhijit timing will continue from 11:54 AM to 12:50 PM. Vijaya Muhurta, which takes place between 02:42 PM to 03:37 PM, is associated with success and victory. In the evening, the Godhuli Muhurta is from 07:20 PM to 07:40 PM. This is followed by Sayahna Sandhya, which ranges from 07:21 PM to 08:21 PM.
Amrit Kalam lasts from 7:58 pm to 09:44 pm. The Nishita Muhurta session will be held from 12:02 am to 12:42 am on June 21st. Tri Pushkara yoga will be held from 05:23 am to 01:07 pm, which is a good time for happy events. Finally, Ravi Yoga will be extended, starting at 10:37 PM, to 05:23 AM on June 21st.
Herb Muhurta Jun 20
The Rahu Kalam, which will last from 03:51 PM to 05:36 PM, and the Yamaganda period from 08:52 AM to 10:37 AM, is considered inauspicious for important tasks. Gulikai Kalam will happen between 12:22 PM and 02:07 PM. On the other hand, Vidaal Yoga will run from 5:23 AM to 10:37 PM. Similarly, the timing of Varjyam from 09:24 AM to 11:09 AM and Dur Muhurtam from 08:10 AM to 09:06 AM is inauspicious. The Baana Raja runs until 12:07 AM on June 21, and the subsequent Baana period runs from 11:22 PM to 12:02 AM on June 21.