
If you ask Joe Biden about one of the downsides of being president of the United States, his answer might be that nothing he says ever goes out of the way. A man in Joe Biden’s situation would naturally risk scrutiny of his every speech.

So when Mr. President recently made a claim about sacrificing a starting quarterback on the University of Delaware team to go on a romantic pursuit of his first wife, a lot of people came out disproving his claims.

Joe Biden’s story and rebuttal

In his speech, Biden recounted how he met his wife, Neilia, in a New York bar sometime in 1963. He was then a student at the University of Delaware when she was studying at Syracuse. They had an instant spark and started dating. At the time, Biden was also committed to the Delaware football team.

Joe Biden claims he ditched the starting spot on the University of Delaware football team to visit his first wife every weekend after he met her.

What people refute about Biden’s story is actually the part where he said he ditched the starting spot on the Delaware football team in order to visit his then-girlfriend every weekend.

The way he put it, it was a choice between having a successful college football career or pursuing his love interest. As it turns out, Biden chose love and was happily married to Nelia until her tragic death in a car accident.

The point of contention is that Biden’s claims about voluntarily giving up his spot on the Delaware football team are in fact false. The truth of the story, according to evidence from Biden’s memoirs, is that he had to quit college football because of his bad grades as a freshman.

In his memoir, Biden told the story of how his parents forced him to quit the football team and focus on his academics after achieving a GPA of just 1.9.

Additionally, it was pointed out that Biden was not actually a starter on the Delaware football team and, as such, could not have given up the starting spot. In fact, in the period Biden was referring to up until 1972, freshmen could only play on the freshman team, not as first-team starters.

Heartwarming though Joe Biden’s story may be, ultimately it just couldn’t hold up. However, the story helped reveal details about the president’s young life that not many knew until now. That is, he was a football player at one time.

Edited by Shamik Banerjee


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