
One of the most anticipated anime projects is The Haikyuu!! A movie set to conclude the beloved sports anime series with a two-part movie. While there is no release date or important information for the upcoming project, some news that is coming recently has been revealed to fans.

Last week saw the unofficial announcement of the launch of the event for Haikyuu!! The movie, originally set to be released in mid-August of 2023. While this information came from unofficial sources in the form of leaks, said sources are highly regarded for being generally accurate and reputable in their claims.

However, the official announcement of Haikyuu!! The teaser of the event finally came from the various official Twitter accounts of the franchise. Interestingly enough, the official release date is fundamentally different from what the leakers initially claimed, suggesting either inaccurate information on their part or an unexpected rescheduling by the adaptation team.

Haikyuu!! The event’s launch has been pushed back to September, which is happening alongside the franchise’s “biggest event ever”.


On Tuesday, June 20, 2023, the official English-language Twitter account of the franchise shared that Haikyuu!! The inaugural event is now scheduled to take place on Sunday, September 24, 2023. The event will coincide with Haikyuu!! Festa 2023, the Grand Send-off party, which will also be the biggest event ever for the franchise.

While it’s unclear exactly what fans can expect from the upcoming event, many expect an annual release window for the film to be announced at the very least. Others contend that a somewhat narrow release window and a teaser trailer will premiere at the event, both of which will be the first significant promotional material the film gets.

These theories are further supported by the fact that several cast members from the central group of characters will be present at the action. Cast members and stage personalities include:

  • Ayumu Murase (Shōyo Hinata)
  • Kaito Ishikawa (Tobio Kageyama)
  • Cookie Uchiyama
  • Satoshi Hino (Sawamura Daichi)
  • Yuu Hayashi (Ryunosuke Tanaka)
  • Nobuhiko Okamoto (Yu Nishinoya)
  • Kaori Nazuka
  • Sumer Moroochi

The performers in the starting event are Ayumu Murase (Hinata), Kaito Ishikawa (Kageyama), Kouki Uchiyama (Tsukishima), Satoshi Hino (Daichi), Yuu Hayashi (Tanaka), Nobuhiko Okamoto (Nishinoya), Kaori Nazuka (Shimizu), and Sumire Morohoshi ( Yachi).

Convention stages and high attendance events like the above are usually hotspots for getting important release information about an upcoming series. This includes trailers, release dates, key visuals, etc., all apparently in the works for the upcoming event scheduled for later this year.

Given that fans are also eagerly impatient for new information about the upcoming project, it seems like the perfect storm for the important reveal at the event. What exactly this reveal will be is currently unknown, but it seems almost certain to be imminent and inevitable.

Be sure to catch up on all the anime, manga, movie, and live-action news as 2023 progresses.


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