15 March 2025 4:11:53 AM
Trump says US government has ‘vital role’ opposing abortion, won’t say if he backs national ban


WASHINGTON: Former President Donald Trump said the federal government should play a “vital role” in the opposition miscarriage But he again failed to provide details of the national constraints he would support if elected to the White House again.
Trump’s remarks to a group of influential evangelicals on Saturday on the anniversary of the Supreme Court’s revocation of the national right to abortion contradict those of his former vice president and rival Mike Pence in 2024.
Pence spoke at the same conference the day before, and challenged everyone Republican presidential candidate to support passage national ban On abortions at least as early as 15 weeks of gestation.
Trump, the Republican front-runner, has been reluctant to agree to a national lockdown and has suggested leaving the restrictions on states. He even suggested that pushing for increased abortion restrictions would be a political liability for Republicans, even though the three Supreme Court nominees represent a majority of the justices who voted to overturn Roe v. Wade last year.
Trump, in his address to the Faith and Freedom Coalition’s annual conference, continued to give a confused answer. He said he believes “the biggest progress is now being made in the states, which is where everyone wants to be.”
“One of the reasons they want to end Roe v. Wade,” he said, “is to bring it back to the states where many people feel so strongly that the greatest progress in pro-life is now being made.”
But the former president also added, “There remains, of course, a vital role for the federal government in protecting life that is yet to be born.”
Trump said he supports three exceptions to the abortion restrictions in cases where it is involved rape and incest or when the life of the mother is in danger.
He took full credit for his role in overturning the landmark ruling and said he was “proud to be the most pro-life president in American history.”
Although white evangelical Christians were initially reluctant to support Trump in 2016, his promises to appoint justices to the court to overturn Roe’s ruling — and ultimately overturn the ruling — won him deep support in the evangelical movement.
When he took the stage on Saturday, he received a standing ovation from the crowd of hundreds, with some of those present standing on their chairs to see him enter.
Enthusiasm for Trump was noticeably higher than it had been the morning before, when Pence and a number of other presidential candidates addressed the conference.
One of the candidates, former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, was booed when he criticized Trump in his remarks on Friday.
And Saturday night, the crowd let out incessant chants of “We want Trump!” Halfway through the ex-president’s remarks.
“Have other candidates been treated this way?” Trump said with a smile.
Trump promised, in his remarks, that if he is re-elected to the presidency, he will appoint “solid conservative judges in the mold” of Justice Clarence Thomas and former Justice Antonin Scalia. He also repeated false claims he had made before that abortion rights advocates wanted to “kill a child” in the ninth month of pregnancy or even after birth.
The former Republican president also pledged that, before Election Day next year, he would release a list of potential justices to be considered for appointment to the Supreme Court.
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, seen as Trump’s closest rival for the Republican nomination, has made a more conservative Supreme Court promise in an attempt to differentiate himself from Trump.
DeSantis, who addressed the Faith and Freedom Conference on Friday, announced that if elected president, he would nominate and appoint Supreme Court justices following the example of Thomas and Justice Samuel Alito, who wrote the ruling in Women’s Health Dobbs v. Jackson. The year that ended constitutional protection for abortion.
In a recent interview with radio host Hugh Hewitt, DeSantis said he respects the three Trump-appointed justices Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett, but said “I will say we’re going to do better than that.”
He said, “None of those three are on the same level” of Thomas and Judge Samuel Alito.
“I think they’re the gold standard,” he said of Thomas and Alito, who were appointed by Presidents George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush.
DeSantis reiterated that promise in his remarks at the Faith and Freedom Conference on Friday, vowing to appoint justices along the lines of Thomas and Alito and saying he would “stand up and defend them against the outrageous attacks you see in the media and left-wing groups.”
The Florida governor appears to be referring to recent reports that Thomas and Alito have accepted luxury trips from wealthy GOP donors but hasn’t disclosed them.


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