Hours after Prime Minister Narendra Modi mentioned the controversy Uniform Civil Code (Union Carbide Corporation) under the pretext that “How can a country operate with two types of lawOpposition parties, including Congress, accused him on Tuesday of resorting to “divisional politics” to deflect attention from his government’s failure on many fronts.
Knowing full well that the common civil law issue is a political minefield that must be handled with great skill, Congress responded cautiously and refrained from entering into the merits or demerits of the UCC. Rather, she said, the prime minister’s remarks were meant to deflect attention from the “burning issues” people were facing.
“All this is a distraction from all the current issues. Manipur has been burning for more than 50 days. The Chief Minister has not said a word. Then there are issues like price hikes and unemployment. He has kept silent on these issues as well. KC Secretary General Venugopal said He told the Indian Express that this (Union Carbide Corporation) is an attempt to divert attention and escape from his government’s failures… He has to answer the real questions of this country.
The Transitional Military Council, too, has taken a similar stance. “When you can’t deliver the jobs, when you can’t control rising prices, when you’re tearing at the social fabric, when you fail to deliver on every promise you made… all you can do, in your desperation, is fan the flame with your very divisive politics,” Derek O’Brien said, Leader of the Parliamentary Party of the Transitional Military Council in the Rajya Sabha, before 2024.
Manoj Kumar Ja of the RJD argued that the prime minister appears to be looking for occasions to indulge in dog whistle politics.
“When you listen to the prime minister… you sometimes feel that he is looking for occasions to indulge in dog whistling. Before speaking, the prime minister must have read and studied the report of the 21st Legal Commission. He should also have studied, without any help,” said Jha. A person, what was discussed and deliberated in the Constituent Assembly … because those who help you can harm you … “.
In a tweet, AIMIM leader Asaduddin Al Owaisi said the prime minister considers diversity and pluralism in India to be an issue. This is the reason for saying such things. They say one nation, one election, one tax, one law, one culture, one religion, one identity and now they are even talking about one fertilizer. This is his biggest problem.
TKS Elangovan of DMK said, “UCC should be performed first in Hinduism. Everyone, scheduled castes or tribes or upper caste people.. should be allowed to perform pujas in any temple in India. Therefore, he must first perform UCC in Hinduism. Why should he A class of people go to perform pujas while others cannot even enter the precincts of the temple?”
The CPM said it supported the Legal Committee’s latest conclusion in 2018 that “UCC is neither necessary nor desirable at this stage”.