Variations in Food Allergy Prevalence Based on Race, Ethnicity, and Income


Food allergy has become a growing concern in recent years, affecting millions of people worldwide. While food allergies can affect anyone, a new study published in JAMA Network Open found significant racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic disparities in the prevalence of food allergies, especially among children.

The study, conducted by Ruchi S.

Disparities in the prevalence of food allergy

According to research, the prevalence of food allergy was higher among black children, while Asian children showed the highest prevalence of tree nut allergy. In addition, households earning more than $150,000 annually had the lowest rates of disguised food allergy. These findings highlight the complex interplay of genetic factors, socioeconomic factors, and environmental exposures in the development of food allergy.

Understanding genes and food allergies

Researchers conducted a comprehensive cross-sectional survey of more than 51,000 households and nearly 79,000 individuals across the United States.  (Image via Chokniti Khongchum/Pexels)
Researchers conducted a comprehensive cross-sectional survey of more than 51,000 households and nearly 79,000 individuals across the United States. (Image via Chokniti Khongchum/Pexels)

Researchers conducted a cross-sectional survey of more than 51,000 households and nearly 79,000 individuals in the United States. The study included questioning the participants regarding their allergens to various foodstuffs, which include cow’s milk, hen’s eggs, peanuts, tree nuts, soybeans, wheat, sesame, fins, and shellfish. Allergies were rated as satisfactory if they were self-reported or parentally reported and supported by a history of IgE-mediated food allergy-related symptoms. Physician-confirmed allergies, which included additional diagnostic tests, were also included.

Among the findings, Asian participants had the highest prevalence rates of peanut and shellfish allergies among adults, while black participants had the highest prevalence of tree nut allergy. When it came to susceptibility to food allergies, households with lower annual incomes had a higher prevalence of severe food allergy reaction records. Furthermore, black participants had the highest rates of masked multiple food allergies and masked severe food allergy reactions.

The need for targeted interventions and management

The study also revealed disparities in access to care and treatment. Individuals from racial and ethnic minorities, as well as underserved populations, have often faced challenges accessing allergists for diagnosis and treatment. Limited access to specialists, combined with a lack of available treatments, has led many families to resort to avoiding allergenic foods altogether.

Obtaining insight into these associations can provide valuable information for the development of targeted interventions and management strategies aimed at reducing the burden of food allergy in the affected population.  (Edward Jenner/Pixels)
Obtaining insight into these associations can provide valuable information for the development of targeted interventions and management strategies aimed at reducing the burden of food allergy in the affected population. (Edward Jenner/Pixels)

The researchers stressed the need for more research into the social, cultural, and economic factors that contribute to food allergy outcomes. Understanding these associations can help guide targeted interventions and management strategies to reduce the burden of food allergy in the affected population. By addressing these disparities and improving access to diagnosis and treatment, it is hoped that the prevalence of food allergy will decrease over time.

The results of the study emphasize the disproportionate impact of food allergy on racial and ethnic minorities and individuals with low household incomes. Increased awareness, improved access to care and more research into the genetic and environmental factors that influence food sensitivity are necessary to address these disparities. In doing so, we can strive to reduce the burden of food allergies and ensure that all individuals, regardless of their background, have access to the support and resources needed to effectively manage their condition.

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