Last updated: June 28, 2023 at 05:00 AM IST

Aaj Ka Panchang, June 28, 2023: Sunrise is likely to occur at 5:26 AM, while sunset is expected at 7:23 PM. (photo: shutterstock)
Aaj Ka Panchang, June 28, 2023: This Wednesday will mark the memorial of Dashami and Ekadashi Tethi of the Shukla Paksha tribe.
AAJ KA PANCHANG, June 28, 2023: Dashami and Ekadashi Tithi will be observed from Shukla Paksha on Wednesday, June 28, according to Drake Banchang. The dashami shukla has significance for many auspicious events, which makes it a part of the timing of shabh muhawarat. Similarly, Shukla Ekadashi is also considered appropriate for important activities and is included in times of shubh muhurat. To ensure a smooth day ahead and overcome any challenges, it is recommended to learn about tithes, happy timings, and inauspicious periods before participating in any rituals. This knowledge can provide valuable insights and help you navigate through the day more effectively.
Sunrise, sunset, full moon and full moon on June 28
Sunrise is most likely to occur at 5:26 AM, while sunset is expected to occur at 7:23 PM. On the other hand, moonrise is estimated at 2:13 PM on June 28, and moonset is most likely timed to be 1:38 AM on June 29.
Details of Tithi, Nakshatra and Rashi on 28th June
The Dashami Tithi is scheduled to remain in effect until 3:18 am on June 29, and shortly after, the Ekadashi Tithi will begin. It is estimated that the Chitra Nakshatra will be observed until 4:01 pm, after the Swati Nakshatra has occurred. In addition, the moon is scheduled to be seen at Tula Rashid while the sun is seen at Maithuna Rashid.
Muhurta was born on June 28th
Auspicious dates for this day include Brahma Muhurta, which is expected to take place from 4:05 am to 4:45 am. The timeframe for Godhuli muhurta is expected to be 7:22 PM to 7:42 PM while Vijaya muhurta is estimated to be 2:44 PM to 3:40 PM. In addition, the Sayahna Sandhya muhurta is expected to occur between 7:23 PM and 8:23 PM. Finally, the Pratah Sandhya muhurta is said to run from 4:25 am to 5:26 am.
Herb Muhurta 28 Jun
Ominous or ominous dates include muharat rahu kalam which is estimated to occur from 12:24 pm to 2:09 pm. The Gulikai Kalam timeframe is expected to take place between 10:40 AM and 12:54 PM. On the other hand, it is stated that Yamaganda muhurta is in effect from 7:10 AM to 8:55 AM and Baana muhurta will happen in Agni till 8:12 AM on 28th June.