Odisha: Lakhs of Devotees Participate in Lord Jagannath’s Return Rath Yatra in Puri


The deities were taken to the Shree Gundicha Temple, about 3 km from the main temple on the day of the Rath Yatra on 20 June.  The deities stayed in the Gundicha temple, which is considered the birthplace of the trinity, for seven days.  (photo: shutterstock)

The deities were taken to the Shree Gundicha Temple, about 3 km from the main temple on the day of the Rath Yatra on 20 June. The deities stayed in the Gundicha temple, which is considered the birthplace of the trinity, for seven days. (photo: shutterstock)

After completing their nine-day stay at the Shri Gundecha Temple, Lord Jagannath and his brothers Lord Balabhadra and Devi Subhadra arrived at the Singha Dour (Lion Gate of the 12th century temple) on their own chariots.

Bhoda Yatra, the return of the Rath Yatra of Lord Jagannath, was celebrated on Wednesday at Puri in Odisha as devotees pulled the three chariots – Taladhwaja, Dharpadalana and Nandigusha – of the deities back to the Jagannath Temple from another shrine three kilometers away.

After completing their nine-day stay at the Shri Gundecha Temple, Lord Jagannath and his brothers Lord Balabhadra and Devi Subhadra arrived at the Singha Dwar (Lion Gate of the 12th century temple) on their own chariots. Shri Gundisha Temple is considered their birthplace. The deities stay in this temple for seven days as part of the festival.

Taladhwaja of Lord Balabhadra was the first to arrive before the gate, followed by the chariot of Devi Subhadra Darpadalana and Nandighosa of Lord Jagannath.

Lakhs of devotees took part in the festival chanting “Haribol, Jai Jagannath” and singing devotional songs.

During the procession, the chariots stopped for some time near the temple of Lord Jagannath’s aunt. The deities were offered “Poda Pitha”, a cake made of coconut, rice, jaggery and lentils.

Then the chariots rushed towards the main temple. However, the Nandyosh chariot of Lord Jagannath stopped for a while near the palace of Puri Gajapati Shri Nahar for the rituals of Lakshmi Narayan Bhita. The rituals were conducted by Gajapati Maharaja Dibya Singha Deb and sevayats of the temple.

Amidst celebrations and joy, some people were injured and taken to hospital after the rope of one of the wagons snapped while towing and fell on the road. The condition of all those infected is said to be stable.


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