Last updated: June 29, 2023, 05:00 AM IST

Aaj Ka Panchang, June 29, 2023: Sunrise is expected at 5:26 AM, while sunset is expected at 7:23 PM. (photo: shutterstock)
Aaj Ka Banchang, June 29, 2023: According to Drake Banchang, Hindus will watch Gauri Vrat and Devshayani Ekadashi on Thursday.
AAJ KA PANCHANG, June 29, 2023: The auspicious Ekadashi Tithi will fall on Thursday, June 29, and Dwadashi Tithi will also reign on the same day, according to Panchang. The Ekadashi Tithi of Shukla Paksha in the month of Ashadha will fall on a Thursday, according to the Hindu calendar. According to Drake Panchang, Hindus will observe two Gori Vrat and Devshayani Ekadashi on June 29.
Devshayani Ekadashi is also referred to as Ashadha Shukla Ekadashi or Prathama Ekadashi also on the occasion of Lord Vishnu entering a period of sleep. It is believed that the awakening of Lord Vishnu occurs after four months on Prabodhini Ekadashi.
Traditionally, Devshayani Ekadashi corresponds to the end of June or the first week of July in the Gregorian calendar. It signifies the start of Chaturmas, which is a sacred period of four months, according to Hindu beliefs.
Sunrise, sunset, full moon and full moon on June 29
Sunrise is expected to occur at 5:26 AM, while sunset is expected to occur at 7:23 PM. The moon is expected to rise at 8:13 p.m. on June 29 and set at 2:14 a.m. on June 30.
Details of Tithi, Rashi and Nakshatra on 29th June
According to Drik Panchang, Ekadashi tithi is expected to last until 2:42 AM on June 30, after which Dwadashi tithi will start. The moon sign is believed to be in Tula Rashid while the sun sign is expected to remain in Mathuna Rashid. The Swati Nakshatra is expected to prevail until 4:30 pm on June 29, which is the last time the Vishakha Nakshatra will be performed.
Shab Mahrat June 29th
Chop times include Brahma Muhurta, from 4:06 am to 4:46 am, which is considered as one of these auspicious times. Another auspicious period is referred to as Godhuli Muhurat, which is expected to occur between 7:22 PM and 7:42 PM. The Vijaya Muhurat runs from 2:44 PM to 3:40 PM and is another important period in the Ekadashi Tithi. Finally, the Sayahna Sandhya Muhurat is scheduled to take place between 7:23 PM and 8:23 PM.
Herb Mahrat June 29th
It is important to be aware of specific periods of time, especially when considering inauspicious periods such as Rahu Kalam. This mahra is believed to take place between 2:09 PM and 3:54 PM while Gulikai Kalam is expected to take place from 8:55 AM to 10:40 AM. In addition, Muharram is expected to prevail from 10:05 am to 11:01 am and then from 3:40 pm to 4:36 pm on June 29.