US flies nuclear-capable bombers in a fresh show of force against North Korea


SEOUL: The United States sent nuclear-capable bombers to the Korean peninsula on Friday in its latest show of force against north koreaDays after North Korea staged massive anti-American demonstrations in its capital.
South Korea’s Defense Ministry said in a statement that the B-52 long-range bombers took part in joint air exercises with other US and South Korean fighter jets over the peninsula.
The bomber overflight is the latest in a series of temporary US deployments to strategic assets in South Korea in response to North Korea’s push to expand its nuclear arsenal.
Two weeks ago, the United States deployed a nuclear-powered submarine capable of carrying about 150 Tomahawk missiles to South Korean waters for the first time in six years.
The arrival of the USS Michigan came a day after North Korea resumed missile tests in protest of earlier US-South Korean exercises it sees as a rehearsal for invasion.
The South Korean Defense Ministry said the deployment of the B-52 bombers enhanced the visibility of US strategic assets on the peninsula.
She said that the allies have shown their firm determination to strengthen common defensive positions and will continue joint exercises in which US strategic bombers participate.
On Sunday, more than 120,000 North Koreans took part in mass rallies in Pyongyang to mark the 73rd anniversary of the start of the Korean War.
During the rallies, officials and residents made speeches vowing to take “merciless revenge” on the United States for the war while accusing the United States of plotting to invade North Korea.
The Korean War ended with an armistice, not a peace treaty, and left the peninsula in a technical state of war.
And stationed about 28 thousand US troops in South Korea as a deterrent against possible aggression by North Korea.
Since its June 15 launch of two short-range ballistic missiles, North Korea has conducted no other public weapons tests.
But the deployment of American bombers may prompt it to fire weapons again in protest.
Promoting a “systematic view of US strategic assets” to the Korean Peninsula was part of the agreements reached between US President Joe Biden and South Korean President Yoon Sok Yul during their summit in Washington in April.
Biden stated at the time that a North Korean nuclear attack on the United States or its allies “would spell the end of any regime” that took such action.
Since the beginning of 2022, North Korea has conducted more than 100 missile tests in an effort to expand its arsenal of nuclear-capable missiles targeting the US mainland and South Korea. The Allies responded by expanding their military exercises.
In late May, North Korea’s launch of a missile carrying its first spy satellite failed, as the missile fell into the water shortly after takeoff.
Since then, North Korea has repeatedly said it would attempt a second launch, saying it was crucial to build a space monitoring system to deal with what it describes as American hostility.


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