
success Mobile Suit Gundam The anime, manga and game franchise stems from the futuristic space world in which it is set. Although the era of the space race is long gone, the fascination with the final frontier still exists for people all over the world.

Likewise, the Gundam The franchise will always have enthusiastic and serious viewers who fantasize about flying in space, piloting robots, and fighting for the survival and advancement of humanity. Even decades after the franchise’s inception, series such as Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch from Mercury Proof that space is still viewed with awe.

It is likely for this reason that the Mobile Suit Gundam The franchise has announced its latest and most unique collaboration to date. The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) is involved with the series in an incredibly appropriate way.

Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch from Mercury A protagonist and deuteragonist explores the actual planet in a new collaboration


Mobile Suit Gundam # The witch of MercuryI also received a cheer from! As Surita says, “Mercury” and “Mio”, Myulin… That’s fate! I am glad for your strong support. Everyone, please support the Mercury magnetosphere “Mio”!#jaxa #G_Witch#BepiColombo #mio

Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch from Mercury JAXA is collaborating with MIO (MMO: Mercury Magnetospheric Orbiter) on a new video supporting the project’s efforts. As the name implies, MIO’s goal is to orbit Mercury to make comprehensive observations of the planet. The project is also a collaboration with the European Space Agency, ESA.

JAXA and the European Space Agency launched an Ariane 5 rocket carrying two probes at the Guyana Space Center in French Guiana on October 19, 2018. The rocket is on track to reach Mercury and begin making the above observations sometime in December 2025.

MIO’s activities are occasionally reported via the official Twitter account, “JAXA_MMO.”

@tweet “It’s destiny!” 🤣🤣 Of course Solita.

This same account retweeted a collaboration post from the Gundam.Info portal site, which contained a video message. The voices belong to protagonist Suletta Mercury (Kana Ichinose) and deuteragonist Miorine Rembran (Lynn).

While the video is in Japanese, other sources claim that Solita is referring to how “Mercury” and “Myu” look like “fate”. A major visual was also released showing the two characters and the satellite appearing in the video.

Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch from Mercury Its first season aired in the fall of 2022, with the second season beginning in the spring of 2023 as the anime season. Episodes from both seasons were simulcast on Crunchyroll while it was broadcast in Japan. The twenty-fourth and final episode of the anime series is set to air in Japan and internationally on July 2, 2023.

Be sure to catch up on all the anime, manga, movie, and live-action news as 2023 progresses.

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Edited by Rachel Semliye


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