
Three police officers have been suspended after a video went viral showing them driving a car with a woman on the hood of their car after leaving a drug bust in Narisinghpur district of Madhya Pradesh state.

The incident reportedly took place on Monday evening, and when the video gained traction on Tuesday, SP took action.

According to a police officer, upon input on the slap handling in the area, the police sent the three officers — Sub-Inspectors Anil Ajmeria and Sanjay Suryavanshi, and Constable Neeraj Dehria, to take action.

The squad raided the house of Sonu Kahar, a suspected drug smuggler, arrested him, and seized 20 gram haws worth about three rupees.

Mohini Qahar, the mother of the accused, arrived at the scene and protested against the arrest of her son. As the officers tried to leave, the woman pinned the hood of the car, insisting that her son be released.

After the officers failed to convince the woman, they drove to the police station a few meters away with the woman hanging from the hood of the car. Asked about the incident, a senior police officer said, “It was a case where the woman was not listening despite our best efforts and a crowd was gathering at the place. The policemen had to leave the scene keeping in mind the general law and order situation.”

Bystanders recorded the incident and shared the video on social media, which caused it to go viral. In response, the Superintendent of Police (SP) of Narsinghpur suspended the officers involved and launched an administrative investigation.

Three of these officers were suspended from the case and a precinct investigation was ordered. If the allegations are proven during the investigation, appropriate action will be taken against the accused officers in accordance with the applicable rules and regulations,” the officer said.


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