
While the NCP’s working committee led by Sharad Pawar approved the decision to expel 11 party leaders, including the sworn-in Deputy Chief Minister Ajit Pawar, the rival camp said on Thursday that the dispute over the question of who represents the real NCP was within the exclusive purview. The Election Commission of India (ECI) and the meeting of the Working Committee are not sanctified.

“It has been learned from various media reports that Sharad Pawar has called a meeting of the National Executive Committee/National Action Committee/National Officeholders/State Party Chiefs of the National Congress Party (NCP) today i.e. on 06.07.2023 in New Delhi,” reads the statement issued by Mascara. Ajit Pawar.

She added, “Ajit Pawar was elected as the National President of the NCP on 30th June 2023 with the overwhelming support of the majority of the elected representatives of the NCP as well as the members serving in various organizational positions.”

“The dispute over the question of who represents the real NCP falls within the exclusive purview of the ECI, and therefore no person within the party has any authority to call any meeting of the National Executive/National Action Committee/National Bureau Officials/State Party Chairs until such time as the adjudication is In dispute definitively by ECI.Therefore, the meeting of the National Executive Committee/National Action Committee/National Office Holders/Country Party Chiefs of the National Congress Party (NCP) today i.e. on 06.07.2023 scheduled for 06.07.2023 has no legal sanctity Moreover, none of the decisions which may be taken in a so-called National Executive Committee/National Action Committee/National Officeholders/Heads of State Parties shall have no valid legal basis and shall not be binding on any person in the Party.”


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