
Elon Musk speaks via video during the opening ceremony of the 2023 Global Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Shanghai, China, on July 6, 2023.

VCG | China Optical Group | Getty Images

Elon Musk believes that China is in a strong position when it comes to developing artificial intelligence and that the country is going to be “great at anything it sets its mind to”.

In remarks made by video on Thursday to the World Conference on Artificial Intelligence, which is being held in Shanghai, prof Tesla The CEO has not held back when it comes to praising certain aspects of the world’s second largest economy.

“I think there are a huge number of very smart and talented people in China,” he said. “I have always been a huge admirer of the vast amount of talent and leadership that exists in China.”

“So I think, really, China is going to be great at anything they set their minds to,” Musk added.

“And that includes, you know, many different sectors and sectors of the economy as well as AI. So, I think China will have a very strong AI capability — (that’s) my prediction.”

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Musk has significant business interests in China. Tesla sells its electric cars there and operates a major factory in Shanghai. In May, he met the Chinese Foreign Minister, Qin Gang.

In the past, he has praised Chinese automakers, calling them “the most competitive in the world.” In 2020 he said “China rocks, in my opinion”.

Musk’s latest comments come against a backdrop of tensions between the US and China over technology.

In 2022, Washington has imposed sweeping restrictions on the export of key chips and semiconductor equipment to China. This move could hinder Beijing’s attempts to boost its domestic industry in critical technology. But industry analysts believe Chinese chipmakers will continue to develop their own advanced semiconductors despite Washington’s attempts to block the country.

Interest in artificial intelligence and its potential transformative effects on society has increased in recent times. The past year has seen chatbots such as OpenAI’s ChatGPT garner an enormous amount of publicity, while there have also been discussions about whether AI poses a broader threat to humanity.

— CNBC’s Arjun Kharpal contributed to this report


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