
Severe heat blanketed much of the planet, and the past seven days were the hottest weeks on record, the latest grim milestone in a series of extremes caused by climate change.
The average global temperature on Wednesday remained at an unofficial record high set the day before. And for the seven-day period ending Wednesday, the average daily temperature was 0.08 degrees Fahrenheit (0.04 degrees Celsius) higher than any week in 44 years of record-keeping, according to data from the University of Maine Climate Reanalyzer, a tool that uses satellite data and computer simulations to measure climate change. state of the world.
The global mean temperature for Tuesday and Wednesday was 62.9°F (17.18°C). It follows a short-lived record high set on Monday, of 62.6 degrees Fahrenheit (17.01 degrees Celsius). The Climate Analysis Program numbers are unofficial but important data, and they are an indication that climate change is reaching uncharted territory.
“The situation we are witnessing now is showing that climate change is out of control, and one more reason to increase ambition and increase justice,” said UN Secretary-General António Guterres. “If we continue to delay the key actions that are needed, I think we are heading towards a catastrophic situation, as the last two temperature records demonstrate.”
More frequent and intense heat waves are disrupting life around the world and causing life-threatening temperatures.
In Timbuktu, Mali — at the gateway to the Sahara Desert — 50-year-old Fatoumata Arbi said this kind of heat is new. “Usually, at night it’s a bit cold even during the hot season, but this year, even at night, it was hot – I’ve never seen anything like it,” said Arby, who rarely leaves her hometown. “I was having heart palpitations from the heat. I was starting to think seriously that I was leaving Timbuktu.”
Last week, Egypt witnessed one of the many heatwaves of the summer, with temperatures soaring above 100 degrees Fahrenheit (37.7 degrees Celsius), according to Egypt’s National Meteorological Report. To combat the heat and humidity, on Thursdays children walked in the Nile River while passersby fished for shade.
One of the biggest contributors to this week’s records is an exceptionally mild winter in South Pole. Parts of the continent and adjacent oceans were 18-36°F (10-20°C) higher than averages from 1979 to 2000.
“Temperatures have been unusual over the ocean and especially around the South Pole this week, because wind fronts over the Southern Ocean are forcefully pushing warm air deep to the south,” said Raghu Murtugudde, professor of atmospheric, ocean and Earth system sciences at the University of Maryland. and visiting faculty at the Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay.
Global warming is visible at both poles and threatens wildlife in the region as well as melting ice that raises sea levels, said Shri Vijayaraghavan, a polar explorer and educator who has visited the North Pole and Antarctic regularly for the past 10 years.
“A warming climate may lead to an increased risk of diseases such as the spread of bird flu in Antarctica, which will have severe consequences for penguins and other animals in the region,” said Vijayaraghavan.


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