
Last updated: 06 Jul 2023, 23:58 IST

The owner of the bike, Sharafat Hussein, came to the registry office to obtain a deed of sale.  (Image - Shutterstock)

The owner of the bike, Sharafat Hussein, came to the registry office to obtain a deed of sale. (Image – Shutterstock)

In Shahabad in UP, a monkey stole 1.5 liters from a bicycle parked in front of the registration desk, and a monkey was seen searching through all the bags in the parking lot before running off with the money.

In an extraordinary incident, a monkey was caught on camera stealing a bag containing Rs 1.5 lakh from a motorbike outside the registration office in Shahabad town in Uttar Pradesh on Tuesday.

In the viral video, a monkey is seen checking the bags of all the bikes parked outside the registration desk. After searching all the bags, he escapes with one that has 1.5 lakh in cash.

According to him, the owner of the bike, Sharafat Hussein, came to the registry office to obtain a deed of sale NDTV.

Chaos broke out outside the office when Mr. Hussain realized the money had been stolen. However, the monkey had disappeared by then.

After much effort, the monkey is finally seen sitting on a tree. Then the crowd was able to retrieve the bag that contained all the money

After the incident, officials from the district administration confirmed the presence of monkey danger in Shahabad and stated that a team will be appointed soon to capture and release the animals in the jungle.

Deputy District Magistrate Anil Kumar, Shahabad, said their first priority would be to reduce the threat of monkeys in the hardest-hit areas. Then they expand it across the area as necessary, NDTV mentioned.


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