
Prime Minister Narendra Modi and US President Joe Biden shake hands during their bilateral meeting at the White House.  (file photo/AP)

Prime Minister Narendra Modi and US President Joe Biden shake hands during their bilateral meeting at the White House. (file photo/AP)

This came during a five-hour cabinet meeting on Monday, which was attended by the prime minister. Sources say the foreign secretary’s presentation focused on ‘multi-layered, bi-partisan engagement’ during the prime minister’s visit to the US and the impact of the visit in terms of achievements such as the jet engine deal and the Micron semiconductor deal.

Foreign Minister Vinay Quatra gave a detailed presentation to union ministers on PM Narendra Modi’s visit to the US saying, “American interest in the Indian PM was very high” and “The PM’s leadership was the driver of disagreement as Modi is seen as a world-class leader leading values ​​and has a vision for his country as well as the world,” CNN-News18 learned.

This came during a five-hour cabinet meeting on Monday, which was attended by the prime minister. Sources say the secretary’s presentation focused on “multi-layered, bipartisan engagement” during the prime minister’s visit to the US and the impact of the visit in terms of achievements such as the jet engine deal and the Micron semiconductor deal. Quattra also noted that “there is a strategic rapprochement between India and the US at this time,” a source said.

The sources say that the foreign minister’s presentation was divided into different aspects, such as the “form” of the visit, its “extent”, “essence” and “results”.


Quatra told the ministers that in terms of “form”, this was a state visit with a formal welcome and the US’s interest in Modi was very high given that President Joe Biden met Modi several times during the three-day visit, and hosted a private dinner. For him, he also came to attend the American Indian handshake event with the Prime Minister. Quatra also referred to the lunch hosted by the US Vice President.


Regarding the ‘range’, the foreign minister told the ministers that this visit witnessed Modi’s second address to the US Congress as well as multi-layered and partisan participation from both sides of the political spectrum in the US. The visit also witnessed the participation of the US government, the US Congress and US business leaders with major companies such as GE, Microsoft, Google, Boeing and US technology giants who came to meet Modi. The foreign minister is also said to have mentioned how 8,000 members of the Indian diaspora met the prime minister during the visit.


On the “content” of the visit, the ministers were briefed that “the difference is motivated by the prime minister’s leadership as Modi is seen as a great global leader who leads by values ​​and has a vision not only for his country but for the world.” Sources told CNN-News18, the foreign minister told the ministers that the prime minister’s visit was “impacting” and there is a “strategic rapprochement between India and the US at this time”.


Regarding the “results,” the foreign minister listed a number of deals and outputs that were achieved from the visit in the fields of defense, manufacturing, the jet engine deal, and Micron’s semiconductor investment. The ministers were told that India was seen as a trusted technology partner by the US and that a financial technology hub from Google would emerge in India. Defense cooperation has been cited as the big takeaway from the prime minister’s visit.


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