Last updated: July 08, 2023 at 05:00 AM IST

Aaj Ka Panchang, July 8, 2023: Sunrise is scheduled for 5:30 AM, while sunset is expected at 7:23 PM. (Image: Shutterstock).
Aaj Ka Panchang, July 8, 2023: Devotees will see Shashthi and Saptami Tithi of Krishna Paksha on Saturday. Check happy times, inauspicious periods, and other details here.
AAJ KA PANCHANG, July 8, 2023: This Saturday, we will be watching Krishna Paksha’s Shashthi and Saptami Tithi, according to Drik Panchang. Krishna Shashthi and Krishna Saptami are considered beneficial for important activities and are included in the timing of the Good Muhurat. There are no specific festivals or pujas for this day. It is recommended to familiarize yourself with the basic details before engaging in any ritual. Take a look below to learn more about happy timings, inauspicious periods, and other important information you need to know.
Sunrise, sunset, full moon and full moon on July 8
Sunrise is scheduled for 5:30 AM, while sunset is expected to occur at 7:23 PM. Moonrise will be observed at 11:23 PM on July 8, and moonset is expected to occur at 10:38 AM.
Details of Tithi, Nakshatra and Rashi for July 8
The Shashthi Tithi is expected to last until 9:51 PM on July 8, after which the Saptami Tithi will begin. Purva Bhadrapada Nakshatra started at 10:16 PM on July 7 and is expected to be visible until 8:36 PM on July 8. Then, Uttara Bhadrapada Nakshatra will take its place and run until 2:16 AM on July 9. The moon is expected to be seen in Kumba Rashid until 2:58 pm, after which it will be visible in Mina Rashid. Meanwhile, the sun is expected to be in Mithuna Rashid.
July 8
The Brahma Muhurta is expected to occur between 4:09 am and 4:49 am. After that, Pratah Sandhya, another auspicious period, is expected to occur from 4:29 am to 5:30 am. In the evening, the Godhuli Muhurat, which is a special time, is expected to take place between 7:21 PM to 7:42 PM. Sayahna Sandhya Muhurat, another auspicious time in the evening, is likely to occur between 7:23 PM to 8:23 PM. On July 9, Nishita Muhurta will take place from 12:06 AM to 12:47 AM.
Ravi Yoga, is the Yoga of Auspiciousness, will take place from 8:36 PM to 5:30 AM on July 9th.
Herb Mahrat on July 8
Rahu kalam, the time considered inauspicious, is expected to start from 8:58 am to 10:42 am. After that, the Yamaganda Muhurta, another unfavorable time, will occur between 2:10 PM to 3:54 PM.
The Golkay Kalam period, which is also considered an inauspicious period, is expected from 5:30 am to 7:14 am. On July 9, Yoga Adal, a specific set of planetary positions, is expected to occur from 8:36 PM to 5:30 AM.