Last updated: July 09, 2023 at 05:00 AM IST

Aaj Ka Panchang, July 10, 2023: Sunrise is scheduled for 5:30 AM, while sunset is expected at 7:22 PM. (Image: Shutterstock).
Aaj Ka Panchang, July 9, 2023: Devotees will see Bhanu Saptami, Kalashtami and Masek Krishna Janmashtami on Sunday. Check tithing, auspicious and inauspicious timings, and other details here
AAJ KA PANCHANG, July 9, 2023: Sunday in Panchang marks a significant day with Saptami Tithi and Ashtami Tithi on Krishna Paksha. According to Drake Panchang, devotees will hold three religious festivals namely Bhanu Saptami, Kalashtami and Masik Krishna Janmashtami. It is recommended to have a comprehensive understanding of the ten, including happy and inauspicious timings, to effectively counter potential obstacles that may arise during the day and to predict daily events.
Sunrise, sunset, full moon and full moon on July 9
Sunrise is expected to occur at 5:30 AM, and sunset is expected to be observed at 7:22 PM. It is estimated that moonrise will occur at 11:54 p.m. and moonset will occur at 11:41 a.m. on July 9.
Details of Tithi, Nakshatra and Rashi for July 9
Several important auspicious dates should be considered. The day begins with the Brahma Muhurta, which is scheduled from 4:09 am to 4:50 am. After that, the Abhijit Muhurat is expected to occur between 11:58 am and 12:54 pm. In the evening, the Godhuli Muhurat is expected to take place from 7:21 PM to 7:41 PM. The Vijaya Muhurat runs from 2:45 PM to 3:40 PM, while the Sayahna Sandhya Muhurat is likely to occur between 7:22 PM and 8:23 PM.
July 9
There are many noteworthy auspicious dates to keep in mind. The day begins with the Brahma Muhurta, scheduled between 4:09 am and 4:50 am. After that, the Abhijit Muhurat is expected to take place from 11:58 am to 12:54 pm. In the evening, the Godhuli Muhurat is expected to take place between 7:21 PM and 7:41 PM. The Vijaya Muhurat runs from 2:45 PM to 3:40 PM, while the Sayahna Sandhya Muhurat is likely to occur between 7:22 PM and 8:23 PM.
Herb Mahrat on July 9
It is believed that the period between 5:38 PM and 7:22 PM is considered Rahu Kalam. Before that, from 3:54 pm to 5:38 pm, Gulikai Kalam is expected. In addition, the Yamaganda Muhurat is estimated to occur from 12:26 PM to 2:10 PM, and it is advised to refrain from important tasks during this time as well.