League of Legends LoLdle answers 367: Sunday, July 9, 2023


League of Legends LoLdle answers are now available for its 367th edition. Each class in this fun guessing game presents a unique challenge as players try to input the names of champions from Riot Games’ hugely popular MOBA title. The process is fairly simple: confirm your selection by simply typing the hero’s name into the drop-down list before submitting your answer.

This article contains all solutions for the 367th edition of League of Legends LoLdle, and aims to help players maintain their daily streak in the game.

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Kindred, Nami, and League of Legends LoLdle Other Answers for Issue 367 (July 9, 2023)

As of July 9, 2023, the answers for LoLdle guessing games are as follows:

  • classic: Type
  • quotes: growing
  • capacity: two butlers, Bonus: negative
  • emoji: Zoe
  • splash art: Braum Bonus: Braum crime city

Previous League of Legends LoLdle answers

Here is the list of previously disclosed LoLdle solutions:

  • LoLdle 366, July 8, 2023: Nilah, Vex, Zyra, Urgot, and Nocturne
  • LoLdle 365, July 7, 2023Ramos, Lisandra, Figo, Lulu and Wukong
  • LoLdle 364, Jul 6, 2023Alistair, Timo, Urgot, Nidali, Gwen
  • LoLdle 363, July 5, 2023: Rumble, Anivia, Kennen, Kindred, Aphelios
  • LoLdle 362, July 4, 2023: Malzahar, Caitlyn, Kha’Zix, Shaco, Hecarim
  • LoLdle 361, July 3, 2023: Lilia, Jean, Jean-Blanc, Yoon, Talon
  • LoLdle 360, July 2, 2023Kane, Atheer, Leona, Brand, Kaisa
  • LoLdle 359, July 1, 2023: Dr. Mondo, Oriana, Odier, Bard, Ziggs
  • LoLdle 358, Jun 30, 2023: Sivir, Ryze, Maokai, Malzahar, Friends
  • LoLdle 357, Jun 29, 2023: Ashe, Pantheon, d. Mondo, Sevier, Renata Glaske

Kindred is the first of LoLdle Answers today, and guessing his name can be a frustrating task. Although he’s a powerful jungle hero in the current meta, the cryptic allusions about him can be confusing to decipher. However, today’s quote mentions the word “whale,” and there are a few heroes who circle around the ocean. Hence, Nami could come to mind quite easily.

As for Kassadin’s passive ability, it might be somewhat difficult to guess. Same goes for Zoe. Despite her being a former meta hero, some players may not recognize her emoji.

Finally, learning about Braum’s crime city spray art is perhaps the hardest LoLdle quest today.

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Edited by Sejo Samuel Paul


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