News18 Mega Poll: Marriage to Divorce, Muslim Women Support Tenets of UCC | 7 Findings


Last updated: July 10, 2023, 21:11 IST

A majority of Muslim women support what experts say could be the key tenets of any unified civil code, according to key findings from India’s largest UCC survey conducted by News18 Network.

Although numbers of support are slightly higher among highly educated (graduate +) Muslim women, public support is also high.

without mentioning the UCC, 884 News18 reporters interviewed 8,035 Muslim women in 25 states and union territories in the country about the topics most likely to be covered by the UCC. The survey respondents were Muslim women in the 18-65+ category.

In fact, UCC means a single law that can be applied to all religious communities in matters such as marriage, divorce, inheritance, adoption, and maintenance, among others. Muslim organizations responded forcefully to the latter’s announcement that the Law Commission would hold consultations again, with the All India Muslim Personal Law Board (AIMPLB) saying “majority morality” should not override religious freedom and rights of minority communities in the name of a code. News18 decided to check if its views were actually shared by the wider community, particularly women, who would be the most affected if the status quo continues.

Here are the main findings:

  1. 67.2% of all Muslim women surveyed agreed that there should be a Common law for all Indians For personal matters such as marriage, divorce, adoption and inheritance. Responses were slightly higher at 68.4% for alumni + participants.
  2. 76.5% of Muslim women (graduates + 78.6%) disagree polygamy They say that a Muslim man has no right to marry four women.
  3. Top support from women in question Equal inheritance and inheritance rights regardless of gender – 82.3% in total; 85.7% Graduate +.
  4. 73.7% of all respondents agree to allow divorce remarried Without any restrictions.
  5. Although there is agreement on the matter adoptionthe percentage of Muslim women who agreed to allow adoption regardless of religion was significantly lower than the other questions asked in the survey (total: 64.9%; graduate +: 69.5%).
  6. 69.3% of all respondents (73.1% Graduate +) agree that all Indians who have reached the age of majority should be free to will vacate their property as they like.
  7. There is a lot of support for upgrading The minimum age for marriage For both men and women to 21. 78.7% of all Muslim women supported increasing the minimum age and 82.4% of graduates + women agreed.


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