Punjab rains: Ludhiana administration plugs breaches in Doraha canal


In a joint effort by Ludhiana district administration, army and police, two breaches in Duraha were bridged on Monday morning. Amidst heavy monsoon rains and floods like the situation in Punjab.

The district management team led by Payal SDM Jasleen Kaur Bhullar started delivering operations in Doraha early in the morning. Due to the breaches in Siswan, excess water entered the Dauraha Canal which infiltrated the villages of Dauraha and Rajgarh. Officials from various departments including Irrigation, Revenue, Army and Police along with MGNREGA workers were appointed under the supervision of SDM to fill this breach with sandbags, JCBs.

Bhullar said that this work was carried out on a war level to ensure that the breaches are closed soon. She stated that the entire district administration was with the people in this hour of distress and the officials were doing their best to provide relief to the flood-affected villagers.


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