LIVE NTA CUET 2023 RESULT UPDATES: Recently the Chair of the University Grants Commission said that the results will be announced on 15th July
NTA CUET UG Result 2023 Live Updates: The National Examinations Agency (NTA) will announce the results of the Common Undergraduate Entrance Examination (CUET) UG 2023 by 15th July, said the Chairman of the UGC, however, the result time is not confirmed yet. Candidates who appeared for the exam can check their results on the official website – cuet.samarth.ac.in.
CUET UG started on May 21st and concluded on June 23rd. According to the original schedule, the auditions were scheduled to end on May 31, however, they ran until June 23. The tentative answer was initially released on June 29 but after students pointed out several it was revised and reposted on July 3. 333 questions were dropped from the modified version of the provisional answer key. The UGC Chair recently stated that the results will be announced by July 15th.
This year, approximately 13.99 lakh students are enrolled in CUET UG, which is a significant increase from the previous year. Of the 13.99 thousand candidates, there are 6.51 thousand female candidates and 7.48 thousand male candidates.
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CUET UG 2023 Live Updates: Results will be announced at cuet.samarth.ac.in
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First published in: 13-07-2023 at 14:02 IST